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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 64 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Chatham Roberdeau Wheat or search for Chatham Roberdeau Wheat in all documents.

Your search returned 33 results in 2 document sections:

Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of Gen. C. R. Wheat, commander of the Louisiana Tiger Battalion (search)
oveliest landscape the eye ever beheld. Captain Wheat was several times honorably named in GenerAnna's body-guard. Returning to Mexico, Captain Wheat was detained at Jalappa till the close of he curse of the country. After the war, Captain Wheat settled in New Orleans and resumed the stuans determined to abandon the expedition. Colonel Wheat's eloquence was again called into requisitis hacienda, at his earnest solicitation, General Wheat went with him. The old hero would fain havd with the name and exploits of Garibaldi, General Wheat determined to gratify a long-cherished wis. They stopped a few days in Paris, and General Wheat had a most informal, but also a most agreehe Louisiana Tigers a terror to the enemy. Major Wheat had called the first company raised the Old he will need them in prison, poor fellow. Major Wheat's mother, who had flown to him as soon as ss friends, a Confederate officer, said to him, Wheat, I would give a thousand dollars to stand in y[22 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
. J. R., 68. War, The Army of the, 132. Warner, Charles Dudley, 350. Warriors, 6; of the South, 7. Washington Artillery of Louisiana, 268, 306. Washington and Lee University, Students of, at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 286, 358. Washington's proposed Final Stand in the Mountains of West Augusta, Va., 323. Washington Shooters, The, 271. Washington Statue, The, 249. Watterson, Henry, 351. West Virginia Troops at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 271. Wheat, General C. R., Memoir of, 47; The Last Words of, lines by H., 59; the death of, 56. Wheat, Captain, John Thomas, 57. Wheat, Leo, 47. Wheeler, General, Joseph, 77. White, Dr. Isaiah H., Surgeon C. S. A., on the Treatment of Prisoners, 383. White, D. D., Rev. J. J., 353 William and Mary College, Students of, at the Dedication of the Lee Monument, 286. Williams General, 73. Williamsburg, Account of the battle of, May 5, 1862, by Salem Dutcher, 409. Wilmot Proviso, The, 436. Wil