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John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 2: Charleston Harbor. (search)
in Washington, and without delay they flocked around the doubting, hesitating President-Hunter, Mason, Jefferson Davis — the whole busy cabal of plotting, caucusing conspirators, filling him alternately with such deceitful promises of good behavior and such terrible visions of revolutionary violence, that Mr. Buchanan was both frightened and soothed into a reluctant compliance with their advice. It was the scene of the wily Vivien and the yielding Merlin re-enacted; and while the Sage of Wheatland slept in doting confidence, every conspiring secessionist cried Fool! and wrought the charm Of woven paces and of waving hands, to complete their secret web of conspiracy. The issue was decided in the Cabinet meeting of December 13th; after a spirited re-argument, the President told his Secretary of State that he was sorry to differ with him, but that he could not order reinforcements to Charleston; whereupon General Cass tendered his resignation and retired from official life. C
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 5: events in Charleston and Charleston harbor in December, 1860.--the conspirators encouraged by the Government policy. (search)
:--During the past year, one hundred and thirty-five thousand four hundred and thirty muskets have been quietly transferred from the Northern arsenal at Springfield alone to those in the Southern States. We are much obliged to Secretary Floyd for the foresight he has thus displayed, in disarming the North and equipping the South for this emergency. Ex-President Buchanan generously assumed, in a degree, the responsibility of these acts. In a letter to the National Intelligencer, dated, Wheatland, near Lancaster, October 28, 1862, in reply to some statements of General Scott, in relation to the refusal to re-enforce the forts on the Southern coast, according to his recommendation, in the autumn of 1860, Mr. Buchanan said :--This refusal is attributed, without the least cause, to the influence of Governor Floyd. All my Cabinet must bear me witness that I was President myself, responsible for all the acts of the Administration; and certain it is, that during the last six months prev
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 12: the inauguration of President Lincoln, and the Ideas and policy of the Government. (search)
They are spared for a severer trial of courage and patriotism, unless Heaven, in its wisdom and mercy, averts the threatened dangers. At the close of the reading, the late Chief-Justice Taney administered the oath of office to him, when the President and ex-President re-entered the Capitol, and the former proceeded immediately to the White House. Mr. Buchanan drove to the house of District-Attorney Ould, Robert Ould. See page 145. and on the following day left for his beautiful seat of Wheatland, near Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, which he reached on the 6th. Mr. Buchanan was escorted to the railway station at Washington by a committee of gentlemen from Lancaster, and two companies of mounted infantry. He was well received at Baltimore by the citizens; and from that city he was escorted to his home by the Baltimore City Guards. There he was received by a large concourse of his fellow-citizens, with a fine display of military, and civic societies. He was welcomed home by an addr
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
eneral Scott, above cited. who was an early martyr in the cause of his country. These movements were suspended in consequence of a telegraphic dispatch sent from Pensacola on the 28th, January, 1861. by Senator Mallory, to Senators Slidell, Hunter, and Bigler, in which was expressed an earnest desire for peace, and an assurance that no attack would be made on Fort Pickens if the then present status should be preserved. Reply of Ex-President Buchanan to General Scott's statement, dated Wheatland, October 28, 1862. This proposal was carefully considered, both with a view to the safety of the fort, and the effect which a collision might have upon the Peace Convention about to assemble in Washington. See page 235. The result was that a joint telegraphic dispatch, prepared by the Secretaries of War and the Navy, was sent, the next day, to Lieutenant Slemmer and the naval commmanders off Pensacola, in which instructions were given for the Brooklyn not to land any troops at Fort
eir authenticity. These letters throw a clear light on the state of Southern opinion which induced the Secession movement of 1860-61, and are therefore essential contributions to the history of that period. As such, a portion of them will here be given. So early as 1850, James Buchanan (not yet President) wrote to Mr. Davis, complaining that the South was disposed to be too easily satisfied, with regard to her rights in the territories. In this private and confidential letter, dated Wheatland, March 16th, he says: So far from having in any degree recoiled from the Missouri Compromise, I have prepared a letter to sustain it, written with all the little ability of which I am master. You may ask, why has it not been published? The answer is very easy. From a careful examination of the proceedings in Congress, it is clear that Non-Intervention is all that will be required by the South. Webster's speech is to be the base of the compromise — it is lauded to the echo by disting
Dec. 31.--Philadelphia.--There is a report in circulation that Wheatland, the residence of Mr. Buchanan, has been burned.
oc. 348; declaration of the people of, represented in convention in Wheeling, June 17, Doc. 403; on the seizure of Sherrard Clemens, P., 52 Weston and Williams, of Richmond, repudiate their debts, P. 43 Weston, S. H., Rev. Dr., preaches at Washington, P. 57; address to the officers and men of the Sixth Regiment N. Y. S. V., Doc. 366 Wetmore, Prosper M., D. 32 Weverton, Md., D. 50; letter from the citizens of, to Gov. Hicks, Doc. 175 Wheat, James S., Doc. 328 Wheatland, Buchanan's residence, P. 9 Wheeling, Va., Union meetings at, D. 39, 57; meeting of merchants at, D. 44; fast-day at, D. 62; meeting at, D. 67; Union Convention met at, D. 69; Convention of Western Virginia met at, D. 101 Whiskey, a necessity of life at the South, P. 84 White Cloud, the Indian Chief, D. 43 Whitehall, N. Y., D. 42 Whiting, Sam., Capt., P. 118 Whitney, Addison O., killed at Baltimore, D. 53 Whitney, Eli, Int. 30 Whittier, John G., P.
among the youngsters, and I came in for my share of the trouble in the shape of a visitation for an hour or so. . . . I had a long visit from Mr. Bancroft, the historian, to-day. Oct. 31 (after midnight). . . . From the despatches just received I think I will move headquarters over the river to-morrow. The advance is getting a little too far away from me, and I wish to have everything well under my own hands, as I am responsible. Nov 2, Berlin. . . . We are about starting to Wheatland, some eight or nine miles on the other side of the river. . . . Pleasonton had considerable skirmishing yesterday with Stuart's cavalry. They exceed ours vastly in numbers. There may be some infantry skirmishing to-day, but nothing serious. Nov. 4. . . . Slept under a tree last night, sharing what I had in the may of a bed with Gen. Reynolds. . . . There is some prospect of a fight to-day, but cannot tell exactly until I catch the extreme advance a couple of miles further on. N
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
o Point of Rocks, Md., and guard frontier from Nolan's Ferry to Antietam Aqueduct. Pritchard's Mills, Va., September 15 (Cos. B, D, I ). Point of Rocks September 24. Knoxville October 2. Bolivar Heights October 16 (Cos. A, D, F, G ). Nolan's Ferry October 30. Berlin November 10. Point of Rocks December 19. Crossed Potomac February 24-25. Operations in Loudoun County, Va., February 25-May 6. Occupation of Bolivar Heights February 26. Lovettsville March 1. Wheatland March 7. Occupation of Leesburg March 8. Upperville March 14. Ashby's Gap March 15. Capture of Rectortown, Piedmont, Markham, Linden and Front Royal March 15-20. Operations about Middleburg and White Plains March 27-28. Thoroughfare Gap April 2. Warrenton April 6. Near Piedmont April 14. Linden May 15 (Co. O ). Reconnoissance from Front Royal to Browntown May 24. Guard railroad from White Plains to Manassas till May 24, and railroad and gaps of the Blue Ri
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
trsfd to 68th U. S. C. T. Discharged. bright, Alfred 8 Dec 63; 19 Dec 63. —— Cornish, Russell 28 Nov 63; 20 Dec 63 —— Foster, Charles 8 Feb 65; 22 Sep 65. $325. Grant, John T. 14 Dec 63; 24 Dec 63. —— Jackson, James W. 19 Dec 63; 23 Dec 63. —— laws, William 25 Jan 65; 8 Sep 65. $325. Lee, William H. 15 Nov 64; 22 Sep 65. $325. Meads, Thomas 8 Feb 65; 8 Sep 65. $325. Tyler, William 17 Feb 65; 15 May 65. $325. Washington, John S. 1 Sep 64; 15 May 65. $170. Wheatland, Simeon J. 2 Sep 64; 15 May 65. $169 33. Died. Bennett, William 22 Jan 64; 24 Apl 64 Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Edwards, John 15 Feb 64; 20 Mch 64. —— Freeman, John H. —— 1 Feb 64 Beaufort S. C. of disease. Henry, Thomas 17 Jan 65; 11 Mch 65 Hilton Head, S. C. $325. Newport, Fitz Henry —— 22 May 64 New York. Smith, Henry —— 25 Dec 63 Morris Id. S. C. Fever. Final Record cannot be established. Dickerson, Wesley 15 Feb 64 —— —— Harp