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HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 2 0 Browse Search
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unior Steward. James Ford, Tyler. Medford salt-marsh corporation. June 21, 1803: On this day, an act of incorporation was passed by the General Court, by which the proprietors of a tract of salt marsh, in Medford, were authorized to make and maintain a dike and fence for the better security and improvement of said marsh. Its bounds are thus described:-- Situate in the easterly part of said Medford, beginning at Malden line, and running westerly by the land of Andrew Hall, Joseph Wheelwright, and Simeon Holt, to the brick landing-place on Mystic River, and otherways bounded by said river, comprising all the marsh within said bounds. And the said corporation shall have power to erect and make a dike, of sufficient height and width, on the north bounds of said marsh, beginning at Malden line, and running westward by the land of said Andrew Hall and others, so far as a dike may be found necessary. The act contains the usual provisions for choosing officers, assessing tax