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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 25 1 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 12 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 8 0 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 7 3 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 4 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 1 1 Browse Search
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on-commissioned officer, or private, to an amount exceeding one fourth of his pay, for articles sold during any month. The amendment was agreed to. On motion of Mr. White, of Indiana, the vote striking out the list of articles in the first section was reconsidered, and the amendment rejected. Mr. Wright, of Pennsylvania, proposedhe law would put to a severe test the loyalty of the people; in their submission to its provisions was involved the question of their devotion to their country. Mr. White, of Ohio, bitterly denounced the bill as an arbitrary measure. Mr. Vallandigham denounced the bill as a measure to abrogate the Constitution, to repeal all exiswed in opposition to the measure. A negro army, he declared, is a weakness in your country. It unnerves the white man's hand; it unnerves the white man's heart. White men will not fight by the side of negroes. Mr. Olin moved to amend the bill by striking out of the seventh section the words, to inquire into and report to the
Doc. 7.-General Hooker on the Rapidan. The following is a copy of a letter from Major-General J. J. Peck to Andrew D. White, Vice-President of the Onondaga Historical Association. It was accompanied by a map of Suffolk, showing Longstreet's, Hill's, and Hood's operations in April and May, 1863, during the short campaign of General Hooker on the Rapidan. New York, June 28, 1864. Sen. A. D. White, Vice-President Onondaga Historical Association, Syracuse: Sir: Permit me to present throuSen. A. D. White, Vice-President Onondaga Historical Association, Syracuse: Sir: Permit me to present through you, to the Onondaga Historical Association, a map of Suffolk, Va., and the adjacent region. It is a section of a map which I had prepared while in command of the U. S. forces on the south side of the James River. It is of especial interest as presenting the theatre of operations of one wing of Lee's army, under Lieutenant-General Longstreet, Hill, and Hood, from April tenth to May third, 1863. Although Hill was not present all the time, he was operating with Longstreet, and by his order
Williams, Thirty-seventh Virginia; and Lieutenant-Colonel Thurston, Third North Carolina, wounded while commanding the Third brigade, deserve special mention for their gallantry. Also Colonel Funk, Fifth Virginia; Colonel Vandeventer, Fiftieth Virginia; Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, First North Carolina, and Colonel J. M. Williams Tenth Louisiana, on whom the command of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth brigades devolved respectively. Lieutenant-Colonel Withers, of Forty-second Virginia; Major White, Forty-eighth Virginia; Captain Buckner, Forty-fourth Virginia; Captain Mosely, Twenty-first Virginia; Major Perkins and Captain Kelly, commanding Fiftieth Virginia, and Captain Samuel J. C. Moore, acting adjutant-general to Jones's brigade, are mentioned for gallant conduct by their brigade commanders. Also, Lieutenant C. J. Arnell, acting assistant adjutant-general of Paxton's brigade, and Captain Henry Kyd Douglass, inspector of this brigade, to whose gallantry and good conduct I am a
of Wiggin's battery having broken down several times, were finally abandoned on account of our utter inability to bring them further. The officers deserve great credit for carrying them so far in their disabled condition. One of the limbers of White's battery blew up, which caused it also to be abandoned. Two of the pieces were howitzers, and the other was an iron gun which had been condemned at every inspection for the last-year. During the trip we captured in action sixteen hundred prinessee regiment; Captain McDonald, and Lieutenants Apple, Dauley, and Taylor, Twenty-eighth Tennessee regiment; Adjutant Caruthers, Lieutenants Banks and Ridout, Thirty-eighth Tennessee regiment, and Captain Burton, Lieutenants Billings, Chester, White, Hainey, Tillman, and Wade, Fifty-first and Fifty-second Tennessee regiments. All the field officers of the brigade, and the officers of the battery, acted with such distinguished gallantry that I feel it would be invidious to make a distinction
rigade in advance, which moved in the following order, viz.: first, battalion of sharpshooters, Major Pindall commanding, in front; second, the Ninth regiment, Colonel White; third, the Eighth regiment, Colonel Burns commanding; fourth, the Seventh regiment, Colonel Lewis commanding; fifth, the Tenth regiment, Colonel Pickett commant White's battle-flag, waving over the works, announced that Graveyard Hill was won. Thirty men of Tilden's battery having been armed and sent forward with Colonel White's regiment, under command of Lieutenant Lessneur, for the purpose of working the enemy's guns, upon their capture, this officer immediately took them in chargellowing commissioned officers of the Ninth regiment fell killed on the field: Major Sandford, Captain Launius, Lieutenant Spencer. The following were wounded: Colonel White, Adjutant Thomas, Lieutenants Kelly, Essleman, and Kerr. In Pindall's battalion were wounded: Captains Cake and Phillips, and Lieutenant Armstrong. In th
nt I sent a party on each of the roads leading into town, with instructions to drive in the enemy's pickets and hold their positions if possible, and thus prevent his learning the direction taken by the main part of my command. I finally reached the rear of Philadelphia, after a hard march of fifty miles in fifteen hours, unobserved. I caused the telegraph wire to be cut, and sent as rapidly as possible one regiment to London, a distance of four miles, there to make a feint and prevent General White from reinforcing Woolford at Philadelphia, with his infantry from that point. The surprise was complete, and the feint at London a success. I now hastened on to Philadelphia, a distance of two miles, and soon had a view of the enemy's line of battle, whereupon I dismounted my men and commenced the attack, Colonel Dibrell having opened an artillery duel in the front some time before. The enemy, on discovering me in their rear, at once turned their whole force, with six pieces of artill
ell tents, two wall tents and flies, five horses, eighteen mules, thirty-five pack saddles, four wagons, a lot of incomplete harness. Respectfully, W. F. Fisher, Major and Chief Quartermaster, Army E. Kentucky. List of Prisoners Captured. May 16, 17, 18, 1862. Twenty-eighth Ohio, Colonel Moore.--Privates Charles Cross, Daniel Chantemp, Company G; John Yagel, H. A. Miller, Company H; Charles Hertwick, Company F; Christian Ludwig, Corporal John Keen, Company C. Twelfth Ohio, Colonel White.--Private John Klein, Company E. Thirty-seventh Ohio, Colonel Seiber.--Privates Frederick Rock, M. Kohl, Company A; Thomas Kemper, Company C; Frank Krobs, Company K; Henry Bergeichen, Company F; Paul Kapff, Charles Groth, Corporal Jacob Rauft, Company H; Private Henry Rothenberg, Company K. Twenty-third Ohio, Colonel Scammon.--Privates Leonard Beck, W. B. Waterhouse, Company C. Thirty-fourth Ohio, Colonel Pratt.--Captain O. P. Evans, Company B; Privates George W. Thompson, Company K
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dixon, William Hepworth, 1821-1879 (search)
Dixon, William Hepworth, 1821-1879 Author; born in Yorkshire, England, June 30, 1821; was mostly self-educated. He visited the United States in 1866 and 1874. His treatment of the United States in his published works has been considered unfair and incorrect in this country. His books relating to the United States include White conquest (containing information of the Indians, negroes, and Chinese in America) ; Life of William Penn; and New America. He died in London, Dec. 27, 1879.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Walking purchase, the (search)
hampton counties, bounded on the east by the Delaware River, and in the interior at a point as far as a man could walk in three days. Penn and the Indians started on the walk, beginning at the mouth of Neshaminy Creek. At the end of a walk of a day and a half Penn concluded that it was as much land as he wanted, and a deed was given for the lands to that point—about 40 miles from the starting-place — in 1686. This agreement was confirmed by the Delawares in 1718, the year when Penn died. White settlers, however, went over this boundary to the Lehigh Hills. The Indians became uneasy, and, to put an end to disputes, a treaty was concluded in 1737, by which the limits of the tract were defined as in the deed of 1682—not beyond the Lehigh Hills, or about 40 miles from the place of the beginning of the walk. It was then proposed that a walk of a day and a half, as agreed upon by Penn, should be again undertaken. Thomas and Richard Penn, sons of William Penn, were then proprietors,<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, X. Literary Paris twenty years ago (search)
elegate, but his first novel, Detmold, had not yet reached completion in the Atlantic; while the three remaining delegates were an Irishman, an Englishman, and an American, all correspondents of American newspapers, the last of them being the late Edward King, since well known in literature. It is proper to add that several dentists, whose names had been duly entered as delegates, had not yet arrived; and that at later sessions there appeared, as more substantial literary factors, President Andrew D. White and Mr. George W. Smalley. On that first day, however, the English delegation was only a little more weighty than ours, including Blanchard Jerrold and Tom Taylor, with our own well-known fellow countryman Hans Breitmann (Charles Godfrey Leland), who did not know that there was to be an American delegation, and was naturally claimed by the citizens of both his homes. Edmond About presided, a cheery, middle-aged Frenchman, short and square, with broad head and grayish beard; and
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