Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 27, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Paul Whitehead or search for Paul Whitehead in all documents.

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or-- I wish your bards would sing it rather better In the course of some remarks upon the slavery of public opinion in this country to English authority, a writer in the editorial columns of the Enquirer, a few days ago, pronounced the famous balled upon the famous charge at Belaklava to be "execrable doggerel." Well, in our opinion it is "execrable doggerel;" abominable doggerel; infamously mean doggerel; doggerel, below the standard of Laureate Pye; doggerel, the level of which Paul Whitehead could hardly have reached by one of his meet profound dives into the very abyes of the Bathos. And yet the writer in the Enquirer is the first man that has had the serve to say so; a strong proof of the truth of the proposition he tries to establish, viz: that public opinion and public taste, not only in Yankeedom, but in the Confederate States, are in complete subjection to the public opinion and taste of Great Britain. We show it in a thousand ways apart from the literary question.