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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
. No road, nor path even, followed closely the course of the river through this narrow defile. To approach Chattanooga from the west there were only two routes —those which Hardee and Polk had taken in the first days of July; that is to say, on the north the route from Tracy City to Jasper, and thence, along the right bank, to Kelley's Ferry, where it crossed the water to reach Chattanooga; and on the south the railroad along the left bank from the bridge at Bridgeport, via Shell Mound, Whitesides, and Wauhatchie in Will's Valley. The first route ran around the extremity of Walden's Ridge, the other cut through the end of Raccoon Mountain; both passed together at the foot of the high cliff which abruptly terminates the extension of Lookout Mountain above the Tennessee River, and is crowned with the summer resort called Summertown. A third route, running diagonally, connected the other two. Descending from Tracy City by Battle Creek, it went up the right bank to a point opposite S
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the siege of Chattanooga. (search)
Hollow road, both of which, branching off at Whitesides, lead down into Will's Valley. Therefore, iFerry (at the mouth of Running Water Creek), Whitesides, and to come down through the gorge of Murphankin's Ferry, and occupying Shell Mound and Whitesides on the 28th. The opening of the bridge, fixouacked on its banks between Shell Mound and Whitesides. On the 27th these divisions have passed th the regiments left to guard Shell Mound and Whitesides. Hooker advances with circumspection in the of wagons—taking, some of them, the road to Whitesides and the ponton-bridge at Brown's Ferry, and hile the two others were at Shell Mound and Whitesides, and also the garrison required at Chattanooe head of the Fifteenth corps was taking, at Whitesides, a recently-opened road which led to Kelley'of the general-in-chief from Shell Mound and Whitesides, had joined Geary's division of the Twelfth d oaks. The route in which run the Trenton, Whitesides, and Kelley's Ferry roads crosses Lookout Cr
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the Editor. (search)
. George H. Cram. 17th KentuckyCol. Alexander M. Stout. 19th OhioLieut.-col. Henry G. Stratton. Second Brigade. Col. George F. Dick. 44th IndianaLieut.-col. Simeon C. Aldrich. 86th IndianaMaj. Jacob C. Dick. 13th OhioLieut.-col. Elhannon M. Mast. Capt. Horatio G. Cosgrove. 59th OhioLieut.-col. Granville A. Frambes. Third Brigade. Col. Sidney M. Barnes. 35th IndianaMaj. John P. Dufficy. 8th KentuckyLieut.-col. James D. Mayhew. Maj. John S. Clark. 21st Kentucky At Whitesides, Tenn., and not engaged.Col. S. Woodson Price. 51st OhioCol. Richard W. McClain. Lieut.-col. Charles H. Wood. 99th OhioCol. Peter T. Swaine. Artillery. Indiana Light, 7th BatteryCapt. George R. Swallow. Pennsylvania Light, 26th BatteryCapt. Alanson J. Stevens. Lieut. Samuel M. McDowell. Wisconsin Light, 3d BatteryLieut. Cortland Livingston. Reserve corps. Maj.-gen. Gordon Granger. First division. Brig.-gen. James B. Steedman. First Brigade. Brig.-gen. Walt