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The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1865., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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tty quarrel that the failure at Wilmington has given rise to between the respective friends of these officers. Whenever the Yankees sustain a reverse, they must find a scapegoat, and the question now is whether Butler or Porter shall be that animal. The friends of Porter seem to be excessively irritated. After expending unavailingly such an enormous amount of cold iron, it is somewhat provoking to produce such lame and impotent conclusions. We suggest that the real party to blame is General Whiting and Colonel Lamb, who constructed a defence that proved impregnable to the most powerful fleet that ever assailed a fortress. We have seen no evidence that Admiral Porter failed in performing his duty, or General Butler in performing his. The Confederates assume all the responsibility. A correspondent of a New York journal, writing apparently from the fleet, says that a naval officer, "whose name is familiar to the United States people as a household word," (meaning thereby, we suspec
The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1865., [Electronic resource], The disastrous end of the Pollard raid. (search)
Robberies. --On Monday night last, the grocery store of Mr. George F. Tracey, on Main street, near Twenty-first, was broken into and robbed of about two thousand five hundred dollars' worth of meal, bacon, butter, etc. Mr. Tracey's front door was opened by means of false keys, and when the thieves departed was not even closed after them. The night before, thieves broke into M. D. Whiting's coal office, at the Petersburg depot, and stole about three hundred dollars' worth of unfinished shoemakers' work, belonging to Beverly, and old negro in his employ.