. 32
Weverton, Md., D. 50; letter from the citizens of, to Gov. Hicks, Doc. 175
Wheat, James S., Doc. 328
Wheatland, Buchanan's residence, P. 9
Wheeling, Va., Union meetings at, D. 39, 57; meeting of merchants at, D. 44; fast-day at, D. 62; meeting at, D. 67; Union Convention met at, D. 69; Convention of Western Virginia met at, D. 101
Whiskey, a necessity of life at the South, P. 84
White Cloud, the Indian Chief, D. 43
Whitehall, N. Y., D. 42
Whiting, Sam., Capt., P. 118
Whitney, Addison O., killed at Baltimore, D. 53
Whitney, Eli, Int. 30
Whittier, John G., P. 85, 123
Whittingham, Wm. R., Bishop of Md., circular letter of, D. 71; Doc. 252
Whitworth guns, D. 77
Wickliffe, Col., of Ky., D. 95
Wigfall, —, notice of, D. 6; his arrest spoken of, D. 12; on Beauregard's staff, D. 22; at Fort Sumter, D. 24; at Richmond, D. 84; a Boston sculptor's offer for, P. 96; on the capture of Washington, P. 137