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The Daily Dispatch: June 6, 1861., [Electronic resource] 44 0 Browse Search
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Charles." said the handsome little wife of Mr. Whitman. "So don't put on that sober face." "Ds gone. You won't disappoint me?" And Mrs. Whitman laid her soft, white hand on the arm of her. "That's the way it is always !" said Mrs. Whitman, as the sound of the closing street door ca. Alas that is hopeless, I fear." And Mr. Whitman hurried his steps because his heart beat quet, and became silent and sober-faced. Mrs. Whitman turned the letter over and over again in heiece where he could see it when he came in, Mrs. Whitman entered upon some household duties, but a s The bill was for a lady's watch which Mrs. Whitman had almost compelled her husband to purchasppetite. "Come home early, dear," said Mrs. Whitman, as she walked to the door with her husbandion. "How much shall I pay you?" asked Mrs. Whitman, drawing out her pocket-book. "Nothing "You have done a kind act, sir," said Mrs. Whitman, with feeling trembling along her voice. "[12 more...]