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s a noble, brave officer, and the men under him are willing to follow him under every circumstance. killed and wounded. Charles Peffer, killed, Galion; Ord.-Sergt. Ritta, wounded slightly, Haysville; Corp. Love, wounded severely, New-London; Privates Capon, wounded severely, Galion; Huber, wounded slightly, Galion; Mason, wounded slightly, Galion; McIntosh, wounded severely, Galion; Noblit, wounded slightly, Galion; Parks, wounded severely, Galion; Wetherick, wounded severely, Galion; Wight, wounded, since dead, Galion; Nase, wounded slightly, Galion; Reuben Coates, wounded slightly, New-London; Hazzard, wounded, since dead, New-London ; Jliff, wounded severely, Olmstead; Neff wounded slightly, Columbus; Runyan, wounded severely, New-London; Winch, wounded severely, Bettsville; White, wounded slightly, Haysville; Truax, wounded, since dead, New-London; Griggs, wounded slightly, Clyde ; Heckler, wounded slightly, Galion. The wounded are doing well. Some of the boys who recei
Ohio, to act as flankers, and other small ones to scour the road and search all the houses within a mile on both flanks. Then escorts arrived bringing me orders from you to take charge of prisoners and send them to the rear. I then detailed Lieut. Wight, of the Fourth New-York cavalry, my acting Assistant Adjutant-General, and ordered him at once to take charge of the prisoners, to take from them their papers, arms and horses, if any, and gave him sufficient force to keep in check the prisoners, who were becoming every moment more numerous. Lieut. Wight acted very wisely in making his headquarters on the other side of the Shenandoah River, and I have been quite satisfied with the manner in which he carried out and even anticipated my orders. With my command, which by detachments was decimated so much as to represent scarcely one hundred men, I met you, who ordered me to take the town of Berryville by assault, and with yourself at our head we charged through the main street of Be
ttalion were wounded: Captains Cake and Phillips, and Lieutenant Armstrong. In the Eighth regiment were killed: Lieutenants Foster and Farley. Wounded: Lieutenant-Colonel Murray; Captains McRill, Bradley and Johnson; Lieutenants Pierce, McBride, Gibson, Dudley, Good, Stevens, and Weatherford. In the Seventh regiment were killed: Captains Cocke and Perry. Wounded: Lieutenant-Colonel Cummings; Adjutant Waisburg, Captain Gillett, Stemmons, and McGee; Lieutenants Austin, Anderson, Weims, Wight, Strong, Wall, Finley, West, Gonce, and Bronaugh. Colonel Lewis captured. In the Tenth regiment were wounded: Lieutenants Wright, Baker, and Hanley. The following is a summary of my losses in each regiment, battalion, and the artillery detachment: Seventh regimentKilled17  Wounded126  Missing54--197 Eighth regimentKilled14  Wounded82  Missing67--163 Ninth regimentKilled7  Wounded53--60 Tenth regimentKilled11  Wounded41  Missing237--289 Pindall's sharps'trsKilled9  Wound
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 30 (search)
on, Henry, I. 494, 496, 499, 501. Wheelock, Dr., President of Dartmouth College, I. 5, 6. Wheelock, Mrs., I. 5. Whewell, William, I. 420, 421, 422, II. 152, 153, 156, 157, 176, 384. Whishart, Mr., I. 415. White, Colonel, I. 373. White, Miss, Lydia, I. 176. White Mountains, II. 226-228. Whitney, inventor of the cotton-gin, I. 14. Wickham, Jr., I. 298. Wickham, William, I. 33. Wieck, Clara (Schumann), I. 474. Wiegel, I. 179. Wiffen, Friend B. B., letter to, II. 465. Wight, Isle of, visits, II. 376-378. Wilberforce, William, I. 297. Wilde, Mr., I. 14. Wilde (Q. C.), II. 363. Wilde, R. H., II. 54. Wilkes, John, I. 55. Wilkes, Miss (Mrs. Jeffrey), I. 42. Wilkie, Sir, David, I. 421, 422, 425, 448, 449. Wilkinson, II. 155. Wilkinson, Sir, Gardiner, II. 371. William IV., King of England, I. 409. Williams, Friend, I. 337 note, 385. Williams, General, Sir William, II. 372. Williams, Miss, Helen Maria, I. 130, 132, 135, 138. Williams, M
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
1774from Braintree b. 1754 1774July-Sept. ‘75Moses Taft 1775Sept.-April, ‘77Seth Sweetser 1777Apr.-Nov. ‘78Abel Morse 1778Nov.-Apr. ‘791757Edward Brooksb. 1733 Rev. Edw. was chaplain on the Hancock, returned to Medford 1777, died 1781. 1775from Gloucester 1779June-June, ‘80Samuel Chandler1779from Andover 1780Aug.-July, ‘81Williams Brooks1780from Lincoln 1781Aug.-July, ‘82George Hall1781from Medford 1782Oct.-June, ‘83Artemas Baker1782from Templeton, b. 1759 1783Nov.-Jan. ‘84[Henry] Wight1782from Medfield, b. 1752 1784May-July, ‘84FredericParker Benjamin FromToHarvard ClassNotes 1784July-Oct. ‘84Jonathan Burr1784from Bridgewater 1784Dec.-Mch. ‘85George Holmes Hall1781 1785April-July, ‘85Jonathan Burr1784 1785‘86George H. Hall1781 1786Jan.-Sept. ‘86[Barzillai] Gannet1785from Bridgewater 1786Dec.-Mch. ‘87Joshua Cushman1787from Bridgewater 1787Mch.-July, ‘87——Holbrook 1787July-Feb. ‘88Nathaniel Freeman1787from Sandwich 1788Mch-Mch.
Fire in Isle of Wight. --Graves W. Niblett, of late of Wight co., Va., had his barn, containing corn, fodder and other articles, burned up on Monday night last. Loss about $250.
Where to find C. S. A. Officers. --The office of the headquarters of the Division stationed in the vicinity of Richmond is at the Custom-House. in the office lately occupied by Wm. F. Watson, Esq., with the following officers: Col. John B. McGruder, commanding; Lieut. Col. Robert Johnston. Acting Assistant Adjutant General; Lieut. Thornton, of Ordnance: Messrs. Walsh of Lynchburg. Selden of Gloucester, and Starard of Richmond, Clerks. Inspector General's office, Custom-House, up stairs, in the office formerly occupied by the Clerk of the Federal Court. Gen. John B. Baldwin, Inspector; Messrs. B. M. Quarles, P. J. McKenna, J. Caskie Cabell, and W. D. Quarles. Assistants. The Quartermaster's Department is at the Custom-House, in the office lately occupied by A. J. Crane, Esq., late United States Attorney. H. H. Selden, Captain; Messrs. Munford, Lipscomb. Wight, and King, Clerks and Assistants.
The Daily Dispatch: August 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], The twenty-seventh Virginia Regiment. (search)
Ford, G. W. Harper, Thomas Henry, L. H. Johnson, M. McMahon, Thos. Peyton and Wm. Sergeant, were wounded. Joseph W Gilkeson died from his wounds on the 25th ult. Of the "Monroe Guards," Capt. Hugh S Tiffany, Robert Hamilton, Arch Campbell, RoCamp, Wiley Wisfield and John Conner were killed. Lieut Joseph G Wiley. C C Tiffany, David A Shanklin, G C Rutledge, John C Lynch. W S Patton, Chas A Shanklin, P Savannah, G W Foster, J H Fry, W H Jennings J W Persinger, G J Dihart and cadet C C Wight, were wounded. The first six severely, and the rest sightly. Of the "Alleghany Roughs," J Milligan, M Quinline, and B P Stuart were killed, J P Holmes, John Karnes, J P Clarke, A H Read, M Alfred, V B Otey, S S Carpenter, Wm Branham, Wm Fudge, Jas Grady, C Lafarty. J T Baker, W D Pitzer, and J R Montague were wounded. The first five badly wounded, and the balance not dangerously. Of the "Alleghany Rifler," George Noell, Pat Manne, and Pat Conway were killed — David Gilbert, Thom
Runaway. --Ran away from home in boy. Frederick. Said boy is a built, about 21 years of age, has a downward look when spoken to, about 5 feet 6 inches high, I will give a reward of $25 for the return of him in Lumpkin's Jail, so that I get him again. George W. Parker, se 15-- of Wight co., Va.
Run away. --Ran away from the Coal Mines, in Orange county, on the 15th of this month, my boy, Frederick. Said boy is a bright mulatto, stout built, about 21 years of age; has a downward look when spoken to; about 5 feet 6 inches high I will give a reward of $25 for the securing of him in lumtou's Jail, so that I get him again George W. Parker, se 26--1m* 1sle of Wight co., Va.
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