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The Daily Dispatch: October 10, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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otes in circulation183,237 00 Small notes, viz: $2's4,000 00 Contingent fund8,924 36 Deposits, Including certificates12,871 00 Discount and interest6,062 39 Tax on dividends259 46 Due to Banks and Bankers9,321 24 $374,675 54 [The charter of this Bank having been changed, I do not make a comparative statement until the year expires, and for the same reason did not make this return earlier.] The undersigned, Directors of the Bank of Howardsville, have examined the above statement of the condition of the said Bank, and certify that they believe it to be correct. Given under our hands this 14th day of September, 1861. W. A. Turner, President. Z. R. Lewis, R. W. Elsom, Richard L. Wilbourn, J. C. Childress. On this 16th September, 1861, D. J. Hartsook, Cashier of the Bank of Howardsville, made oath before me, a Justice for the county of Albemarle, that the above statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. A. Turner, J. P.