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The Daily Dispatch: October 10, 1861., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Simeon Wilkins or search for Simeon Wilkins in all documents.

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rt, on Friday last, James B. Strickland was tried for the murder of a soldier by the name of Simeon Wilkins, his brother-in-law, in August last. The parties lived in Johnston county, and the case wasbelieve he could have an impartial trial in his own county. It appeared from the evidence that Wilkins belonged to Captain Sucad's company of volunteers, now stationed near Manassa, and had returned home for a short time on furlough. Strickland, Wilkins, and others, being at Boon hill on a drunkea frolic, a quarrel sprang up between S. and one of the other parties, when Strickland out with his knife, threatening to kill the other party. Whereupon Wilkins endeavored to pacify S., and to get him to put up his knife, when he rushed upon Wilkins, stabbing him to the heart, and mutilating hisWilkins, stabbing him to the heart, and mutilating his body in a horrid manner. The jury found the prisoner guilty of murder in the first degree. On the prisoner being brought into court on Thursday afternoon, to receive his sentence, his counsel,