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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabinet, President's (search)
er May 13, 1800 Roger Griswold Feb. 3, 1801 Henry Dearborn March 5, 1801 William Eustis March 7, 1809 John Armstrong Jan. 13, 1813 James Monroe Sept.27, 1814 William H. Crawford Aug. 1, 1815 George Graham Ad interim John C. Calhoun Oct. 8, 1817 James Barbour March 7, 1825 Peter B. Porter May 26, 1828 John H. Eaton March 9, 1829 Lewis Cass Aug. 1, 1831 Joel R. Poinsett .March 7, 1837 John Bell March 5,1841 John C. Spencer Oct. 12, 1841 James M. Porter March 8, 1843 William Wilkins Feb. 15, 1844 William L. Marcy March 6, 1845 George W. Crawford March 8, 1841 Charles M. Conrad Aug.15, 1850 Jefferson Davis March 5, 1853 John B. Floyd March 6, 1857 Joseph Holt Jan. 18, 1861 Simon Cameron March 5, 1861 Edwin M. Stanton Jan. 15, 1862 Ulysses S. Grant, ad interimAug.12, 1867 Lorenzo Thomas, ad interimFeb. 21, 1868 John M. Schofield May 28, 1868 John A. Rawlins March11, 1869 William W. Belknap Oct. 25, 1869 Alphonso Taft March 8, 1876 James D. Cameron
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Pennsylvania, (search)
h to 7th1795 to 1799 John Peter G. Muhlenberg7th1801 to 1802 George Logan7th to 9th1801 to 1805 Samuel Maclay8th to 10th1803 to 1808 Andrew Gregg10th to 13th1807 to 1813 Michael Leib10th to 13th1809 to 1814 Abner Lacock13th to 16th1813 to 1819 Jonathan Roberts13th to 17th1814 to 1821 Walter Lowrie16th to 19th1819 to 1825 William Findley17th to 20th1821 to 1827 William Marks19th to 22d1825 to 1831 Isaac D. Barnard20th to 22d1827 to 1831 George M. Dallas22d to 23d1831 to 1833 William Wilkins22d to 23d1831 to 1834 Samuel McKean23d to 26th1833 to 1839 James Buchanan23d to 29th1834 to 1845 Daniel Sturgeon26th to 32d1839 to 1851 Simon Cameron29th to 31st1845 to 1849 James Cooper31st to 34th1849 to 1855 Richard Brodhead32d to 35th1851 to 1857 William Bigler34th to 37th1855 to 1861 Simon Cameron35th to 37th1857 to 1861 David Wilmot37th to 38th1861 to 1863 Edgar Cowan37th to 40th1861 to 1867 Charles R. Buckalew38th to 41st1863 to 1869 Simon Cameron40th to 45th1867 to 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Presidential elections. (search)
TennDem647,231138,134178John C. Calhoun For foot-note references see page 291.S. C.Dem171 John Q. AdamsMass.Nat. R.509,09783Richard RushPaNat. R.83 William SmithS. C.Dem7 1832. Andrew Jackson For foot-note references see page 291.TennDem687,502157,313219Martin Van Buren For foot-note references see page 291.N. Y.Dem189 Henry ClayKyNat R.530,18949John SergeantPaNat. R.49 John FloydVaInd.33,10811Henry LeeMass.Ind.11 William Wirt (c)MdAnti-M.7Amos Ellmaker (c)PaAnti-M.7 William WilkinsPaDem30 1836. Martin Van Buren For foot-note references see page 291.N. Y.Dem761,54924,893170R. M. Johnson (d) For foot-note references see page 291.KyDem147 W. H. HarrisonO.Whig73Francis GrangerN. Y.Whig77 Hugh L. WhiteTennWhig26John TylerVaWhig47 Daniel WebsterMass.Whig736,65614William SmithAlaDem23 Willie P. MangumN. C.Whig11 1840. W. H. Harrison For foot-note references see page 291.O.Whig1,275,017146,315234John Tyler For foot-note references see page 291.VaWhig23
lonists in Illinois......1744 Fort Massac, or Massacre, on the Ohio, about 40 miles from its mouth, established by the French about 1711, is enlarged and garrisoned......1756 British flag raised over Fort Chartres......Oct. 10, 1765 Colonel Wilkins, sent to Fort Chartres to govern the Illinois country, assumes by proclamation the civil administration, appointing seven magistrates or judges......Nov. 21, 1768 First court held in Illinois opens at Fort Chartres......Dec. 6, 1768 Land grant of 30,000 acres in the present county of Randolph made by Colonel Wilkins to John Baynton, Samuel Wharton, and George Morgan, merchants of Philadelphia......April 12, 1769 A freshet destroying a part of Fort Chartres, it is abandoned by the British garrison, who occupy Fort Gage, opposite Kaskaskia, and fix the government there......1772 Deed to the Illinois Land Company from the chiefs of Indian tribes in Illinois for two immense tracts of land in southern Illinois, bought July
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wilkins, William 1779-1865 (search)
Wilkins, William 1779-1865 Statesman; born in Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 20, 1779; admitted to the bar in Pittsburg, Pa., where he practised for many years; was president-judge of the 5th Pennsylvania judicial district in 1820-24, when he was made judge of the United States district court for western Pennsylvania; elected United States Senator in 1831; reported the bill which was adopted by Congress giving the President power to employ the army against the nullification movement (see Jackson, Andrew). In 1833 the Pennsylvania electoral vote was cast for him for Vice-President; in 1834 he was made minister to Russia; and on Jan. 19, 1844, Secretary of War. He died in Homewood, Pa., June 23, 1865.