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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 17: campaign of Chattanooga (search)
er a moment's conference with Rawlins, who had already begun to show his anger, I broke in with the remark: General Thomas, General Grant is wet, hungry, and in pain; his wagons and camp equipage are far behind; can you not find quarters and some dry clothes for him, and direct your officers to provide the party with supper? This suggestive question broke the spell and brought to Thomas's serious countenance a smile of cordiality which, although belated, was followed at once by orders to Willard, his senior aide-de-camp, for rooms, dry clothes, and supper. Conversation began, and it was not long till a glow of warmth and cheerfulness prevailed. Smith and Porter came in and were presented, and before the evening closed the casual observer would not have suspected that there had been the slightest lack of cordiality in the reception which had been accorded to the weary general and his staff. The foregoing incident was nevertheless an important one, and was followed by important