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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Captain John Holmes Smith's account. (search)
t was shortly after the advance commenced. I, the Captain of Company G, was the only commissioned officer with the company that day. I may properly mention an incident or two. Wounded. Now the battery of the descending slope was advanced. Sergeant James R. Kent, of my company, suddenly plunged forward in a ditch, and I asked of him: How are you hurt, Kent? for I knew he was hit. He answered: Shot through the leg. About the time we sent Big Foot Walker back for reinforcements, Blackeyed Williams, as we called him, a private of my company, cried to me: Look here, Captain, at the same time pulling up his shirt at the back and showing a cut where a bullet had a full mark about its depth in the flesh. Quite a number of the men on the hill top had been struck one way or another, and there were many nursing and tying up their wounds. Kent's leg had been fractured—the small bone—and he was captured. Before an advance I went several times to the crest where our artillery was plan