Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James E. Williams or search for James E. Williams in all documents.

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ch other, and close by Munson's Hill. Long-street's force is composed of the First Virginia Regiment, commanded by Lieut. Col. Fry, in the absence of Col. Moore, who was wounded at the battle of the 18th; the Seventh Virginia, Col. Kemper, Lieut. Col. Williams, and Major Patton; the Eleventh Virginia, Col. Garland; the Seventeenth Virginia, Col. Corse; one Georgia Regiment attached at present, and several pieces of artillery. Gen. Bonham has four South Carolina regiments--the 2d, Col. Kershaw; the 3d, Col. Cash; the 4th, Col. Sloan, and the 5th, Col. Williams. A portion of these were sent against the approaching enemy, and the engagement commenced. After a severe fight the Federals were repulsed, and fled towards their line. There was another small affair still further up the river which took place yesterday at about the same time. With all their fears of masked batteries to drive them from the vicinity of a patch of woodland where one might be placed, the Yankees ran upon on
Dr. F. W. Hancock having been ordered to Gen. Ewell's Brigade, as Surgeon, will necessarily be absent from the city for a time. Those wishing his professional services will find his representative, Dr. James E. Williams, at his office, prepared to attend to their calls. Dr. James E. Williams offers his professional services to the citizens of Richmond and vicinity. He may be found at Dr. F. W. Hancock's office, on Main, between 3d and 4th streets, or at Mr. Wm. S. Phillips' officeg his professional services will find his representative, Dr. James E. Williams, at his office, prepared to attend to their calls. Dr. James E. Williams offers his professional services to the citizens of Richmond and vicinity. He may be found at Dr. F. W. Hancock's office, on Main, between 3d and 4th streets, or at Mr. Wm. S. Phillips' office, on 12th street, between Main and Bank, at the usual office hours. Any message left at either place will be promptly attended to. se 10--ts