Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 5, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James E. Williams or search for James E. Williams in all documents.

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C. S. District Court. --This Court assembled yesterday morning, Judge Halyburton presiding. After his decision in the case of T. H. Ellett, [see report] the following proceedings took place: William L. Forrester, who claimed under writ of habeas corpus, to be released from the military service on the ground that he was under the conscript age, was discharged. The case of James Johnson, asking to be discharged from imprisonment on a charge of disloyalty, was continued until to-day. In the case of the Confederate States Va. Chalets Seifert, a decree was entered for the payment of a debt due by Louis Tudor, an alien enemy, to James E. Williams, to the amount of $2,181 76, with interest thereon. The Court then adjourned until this morning at 11 o'clock.