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We destroyed a large amount of quartermaster and ordnance stores. The battle, which is called the battle of Cloyd's Net, was fought on the ninth of May. I escaped without a scratch, though under the heaviest fire. Captain Hunter, Lieutenant Seaman, of the Twenty-third Ohio, Captain Channel, of the Twelfth Ohio, Captain Clark, of the Ninety-first Ohio, Captain Wetzel and Lieutenant Jenkins, of the Ninth Virginia, and Colonel Wolworth, of the Fourth Pennsylvania, are among the killed. Captain Williams, of the Twelfth Ohio, was severely wounded, and I fear will not recover. We captured three hundred prisoners. General Jenkins, Lieutenant-Colonels Smith (son of Extra Billy) and Lynches are among the number. After burning the New River bridge, we crossed the river to Blacksburg, and marching through the counties of Pulaski, Montgomery, Monroe, and Greenbriar, reached Meadow Bluff on the nineteenth of May. In crossing Peter's Rill we captured a train of thirty wagons and a piece
t, which, on motion of Mrs. Hatch, of Washington, D. C., was unanimously adopted, and the officers elected as follows: Officers: the Executive Committee. President--Mrs. General James Taylor. Vice-President--Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas. Recording Secertaries--Miss Rebecca Gillis, Miss Virginia Smith. Corresponding Secretaries--Mrs. M. Morris, Mrs. B. B. French, Mrs. S. Bowen, Mrs. H. C. Ingersoll, Mrs. Z. C. Robbins, Mrs. Professor Henry, Mrs. Chittenden, Mrs. Captain Kidden, Miss Williams, Miss Matilda Bates. Address to the Women of America: In the capital of our country we have this day organized a central society for the suppression of extravagance, the diminution of foreign imports and the practice of economy in all our social relations. To this society we have given the name of The ladies' National Covenant. Its object is a good and generous one, which should inspire a spirit of patriotism worthy of women who are the glory of a great nation. For this society
as was heard on that occasion. Shortly after three o'clock Colonel Williams' brigade of Harrison's division emerges from the wooded hill tl Walcott, of the Forty-sixth Ohio, with his brigade, relieved Colonel Williams. A gap between General Johnson and the Fifteenth corps was suf battle at Resacca. In this open space of the angle is where Colonel Williams' brigade fought so long and lost so heavily. The rebel liner is heard at last, and down the gorge comes Robinson's brigade of Williams' division, who, on hurrying to the barricade, soon thrust back theld's division against the enemy's strongest position, supported by Williams' and Geary's divisions, and the battle opened vigorously on both sorks. Butterfield lost about five hundred; Geary one hundred; and Williams' division about one hundred and fifty, making Hooker's loss about killed their Major and a few men. At noon the Second division (General Williams), which was leading the way, discovered that they had a consid
n the left of our line. The brigade of Colonel Williams was placed in such a position as to be abon, and orders were at once despatched to General Williams to hurry up his division in support. Butre reformed and sent into action again on General Williams' left, aiding materially in checking the e to reach his main column. Attack on General Williams. The rebel attack rolled along the left until General Williams' fine division was fully engaged. It had advanced to close up on Geary, Gefoot. It was a fair stand up fight, in which Williams' division lost more heavily than any other inxtended along the line toward the right where Williams' division lay grouped along the crest of a raenemy was now advancing in heavy masses. General Williams, with that sudden inspiration which charafoe. But amid all this carnage and confusion, Williams' veteran heroes wavered not, and the red stared and attacked. The blow fell mostly on General Williams' division of General Hooker's corps, and [6 more...]
ferry. He had two divisions of the Twentieth corps, General Williams, on the east bank, and was enabled to cross over on his pontoons the cavalry of Kilpatrick. General Williams was ordered to Beaufort's bridge, by way of Lawtonville and Allanda at Blackville and afterward at Williston and Aiken. General Williams, with two divisions of the Twentieth corps, marched t over the common pine barren. The Twentieth corps, General Williams, had the lead, and Ward's division the advance. Thisguns enfilading the approach across a cleared field. General Williams sent a brigade (Case's), by a circuit to his left, the, and on advancing Ward's division over this ground, General Williams captured three guns and two hundred and seventeen pri same time Kilpatrick, who was acting in concert with General Williams, was ordered to draw back his cavalry and mass it on their left the two divisions of the Twentieth corps, General Williams. These he arranged on the defensive, and hastily pre
erewith a full and complete return of the battle of Belmont, Missouri, fought November seventh, 1861, which I would respectfully ask to have substituted,in the place of my report of that action of date of November nineteenth, 1861, made to General S. Williams, Assistant Adjutant-General to the General-in-Chief. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. June 27, 1866. Referred to the Adjutant-General for publicatioransportation, and destroyed his entire camp and garrison equipage. Independent of the injuries inflicted upon him, and the prevention of his reinforcing Price, or sending a force to cut off the expedition against Jeff. Thompson, the confidence inspired in our troops in the engagement will be of incalculable benefit to us in the future. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Brigadier-General. Brigadier-General Seth Williams, Assistant Adjutant-General, Washington, D. C
gomery counties. Fought with small bands of the enemy daily until arriving at Farr's Mill. Captain Green, with twenty-five men of this battalion, engaged Crook's and Crawford's companies, numbering about a hundred men, drove them, and killed four and wounded six of the enemy, without a single accident happening to his men. The battalion lost during the expedition one private killed, Captain Guinn and Lieutenant Spirr and six privates wounded, and three men missing. Seventeenth. Lieutenant Williams, Third Arkansas cavalry, returned to Lewisburg from scout to Norristown, Dover, &c., having killed three bushwhackers and two horses on the Arkansas river, below Norristown. Twenty-second. Captain Taylor, Third Arkansas cavalry, returned to Lewisburg from scout to Red river, having killed four of the enemy. Major L. H. Thacher, Ninth Kansas cavalry, while on a scout fifteen miles north-west of Pine Bluff, surprised the camp of Captain Lightfoot, of Cabell's command, wounding on
inforcements, which he cannot expect. Let us determine, then, to continue vigorously the work so well begun, and, under God's blessing, in a short time the object of our labors will be accomplished. Geo. G. Meade. Major-General Commanding. S. Williams, A. A. G. General Lee's address. headquarters Army or Northern Virginia May 14, 1864. First--The general commanding takes great pleasure in announcing to the army the series of successes that, by the favor of God, have recently beeAmong the killed is the gallant Brigadier-General Doles, of Georgia, who fell, pierced through the left breast, while leading his brigade into action. Among the wounded, I hear the names of Brigadier-General Kirkland, who was slightly hurt; Colonel Williams, Thirty-ninth Virginia, and Colonel Berry, Sixtieth Georgia, were also wounded slightly. It seems Gordon, who led this flank movement, discovered a swamp, across which he charged. This swamp the enemy supposed to be impassable, and hence
e paroled. when paroled.       1865. Provost Marshal Cavalry Corps, M. D. M. 14,985 Macon, Ga. April and May. Colonel Eggleston 10,000 Atlanta, Ga. May. An estimate; no report received up to date.Colonel Cooper 5,000 Albany, Ga. May. Major Williams 957 Milledgeville, Ga. May. Captain Walden 226 Forsyth, Ga. May. Captain Lambson 3,700 Columbus, Ga. May. Captain Abrahams 5,026 Washington, Ga. May. Captain Gates 1,247 Hawkinsville, Ga. May. General Upton 6,315 Augusta, Ga. May. Gener-General Upton to receive the surrender of the garrisons at Atlanta and Augusta; he left here for that purpose on the first instant, and reached Augusta this morning. I am expecting to hear from him every moment by telegraph. I have sent Majors Williams, and McBurney, of my staff, to Milledgeville, to receive the surrender of the troops there, and to direct the transportation of the Confederate stores to the place. I have also demanded of Governor Brown, Commander-in-chief of the Georgia m