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nth New-York volunteers, on or near the battle-field at South-Mills, Camden County, April 19, 1862: D. E. Elder, company L, Third regiment Georgia volunteers. James Y. Banes, company B, Third regiment Georgia volunteers. Hardey Jennigan, company C, Third regiment Georgia volunteers. Falman Berry, supposed North-Carolina militia. Peter Sawyer, supposed North-Carolina militia. Tinley Brown, supposed North-Carolina militia. Lemuel Sawyer, supposed North--Carolina militia. Wm. Williams, supposed North-Carolina militia. Benjamin Clark, supposed North-Carolina militia. In conclusion, allow me again to express my thanks to every officer and man of the regiment engaged in this action, and to bear testimony to their coolness under the hottest of fires, and general good conduct as soldiers under all circumstances, and also to express our united thanks and gratitude to yourself for the consideration you bestowed upon us, and gallantry with which you led us upon this as w
of Captain E. S. Pierce and Captain I. S. Geer, both acting field-officers who ably assisted me upon the march and during the engagement of Saturday, December thirteenth; also Adjutant Geo. W. Remington and all officers and men-each vied with the other in sustaining the reputation of the regiment won at Bull Run, Yorktown, Williamsburgh, Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Charles City Cross-Road, Groveton, Chantilly, etc. The following is a correct list of the casualties that have occurred: Privates, Wm. Williams, company B, back; Charles Miller, company B, arm; Wm. Osborne, company C, hand; H. S. Briggs, company F, head; Michael Kane, company G, foot; Ira Austin, company I, foot. I have the honor to be, etc., M. B. Houghton, Major Commanding Third Michigan Volunteers. Report of Colonel Morgan. New-York City, December 24-29, 1862. your Excellency: Knowing that you will experience anxiety concerning the conduct and fortune of this regiment, I send you a brief narrative of the p
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Declaration of Independence. (search)
protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. Signed by order and in behalf of the Congress. John Hancock, President. Attested, Charles Thompson, Secretary. New Hampshire. Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton. Massachusetts Bay. Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry. Rhode Island, Etc. Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery. Connecticut. Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott. New York. William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris. New Jersey. Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark. North Carolina. William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn. Georgia. Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton. Pennsylvania. Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamiin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, William Paca, George Ross. Delaware. Caesar Rodney,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Williams, William 1731-1811 (search)
Williams, William 1731-1811 Signer of the Declaration of Independence; born in Lebanon, Conn., April 18, 1731; graduated at Harvard College in 1757, and was on the staff of his relative, Col. Ephraim Williams, when he was killed near Lake George in 1755. An active patriot and a member of the committee of correspondence and safety in Connecticut, he was sent to Congress in 1776. He wrote several essays to arouse the spirit of liberty in the bosoms of his countrymen, and spent nearly all his property in the cause. He had been speaker of the Connecticut Assembly in 1775, and in 1783-84 was again a member of Congress. He was also a member of the convention of Connecticut that adopted the national Constitution. Mr. Williams married a daughter of Governor Trumbull. He died in Lebanon, Conn., Aug. 2, 1811.
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
others published vigorous replies to Mr. Whitefield, who was finally induced to retract or essentially modify his accusations against the College. Mr. Appleton declined to admit Mr. Whitefield into his pulpit, in accordance with the advice of his brethren, which was published in the Boston Evening Post, Jan. 7, 1745, as follows:— Cambridge Jan. 1, 1744-5. At a meeting of the Association of this and the neighboring towns, present, the Reverend Messieurs John Hancock of Lexington, William Williams of Weston, John Cotton of Newton, Nathl. Appleton of Cambridge, Warham Williams of Waltham, Seth Storer of Watertown, Ebenr. Turell of Medford, Nicholas Bowes of Bedford, Samuel Cook of Cambridge. The Rev. Mr. Appleton having applied to his brethren of said association for our advice, relating to a request which hath been made to him by a number of his church and congregation, that he would invite the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield to preach in Cambridge; after supplications to God and mat
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
, 1861.Actg. Master.Young Rover.North Atlantic.Dec. 17, 1864.Resigned.Actg. Master. Williams James S., Credit, Agawam.Mass.Mass.Mass.Dec. 4, 1861.Actg. Master's Mate.Columbia; Dale; Spirea.North Atlantic; South Atlantic; East Gulf.Dec. 7, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. Nov. 27, 1862.Actg. Ensign. Dec. 26, 1863.Actg. Master. Williams, John A.,Sweden.Mass.Mass.June 24, 1864.Actg. Ensign.Thistle; Dan barton.Mississippi; No. Atlantic.Sept. 14, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Ensign. Williams, William,Mass.Mass.Mass.Mar. 28, 1862.Actg. Master.Rhode Island; Circassian. Saranac.Supply Steamer. Pacific.Dec. 4, 1868.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. Wilmuth, George, See Navy Register.Me.Mass.Mass.—--, 1861.Boatswain.Navy Yard.Washington, D. C.--- Officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy—Continued. name.Where Born.State of which a Citizen.State from which Appointed.appointment.Vessels on which Served.Squadron.Termination of service. Date.RankDate.Discharged or Otherwis
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, Index of names of persons. (search)
ams, H. B., 454 Williams, H. P., 373 Williams, J. A., 154 Williams, J. B., 373, 585 Williams, J. H., 373 Williams, J. M. S., 585 Williams, J. O., 373 Williams, James, S., 154 Williams, Jesse S., 373 Williams, M. F., 373 Williams, Philander, 373 Williams, R. S., 483 Williams, Robert, 1st Mass. Cav., 202, 233, 454, 567 Williams, Robert, 39th Mass. Inf., 373 Williams, S. A., 373 Williams, S. B., 483 Williams, S. K., Jr., 605 Williams, W. B., 373 Williams, W. G., 454 Williams, William, 154 Williamson, D. H. C., 373 Williamson, H. F., 483 Willis, H. A., 605 Willis, Henry A., 373, 608 Willis, R. H., 373 Willis, S. C., 483 Willis, S. M., 391, 497 Willis, W. W., 373 Williston, L. A., 373 Willson, E. B., 395 Wilmuth, George, 154 Wilson, Andrew, 373 Wilson, B. F., 156 Wilson, C. B., 373 Wilson, C. F., 454 Wilson, C. W., 156 Wilson, David, 156 Wilson, E. S., 373 Wilson, G. F., 373 Wilson, H. H., Navy, 162 Wilson, H. H., U. S. Cav., 454, 497 Wilson,
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), Appendix. (search)
D. D., of Portsmouth, N. H., who was father of Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster, of Boston. Rev. Mr. Williams graduated from Harvard University in 1744, and died 12th of August, 1784, aged fifty-seven. His daughter Sarah, wife of Rev. Timothy Fuller, possessed a vigorous understanding and an honorable ambition, which she strove to infuse into her children. She died in 1822. Rev. Timothy Fuller left five daughters and five sons. The sons were Timothy, Abraham Williams, Henry Holton, William Williams, and Elisha; of these we shall speak more in detail. Timothy Fuller, the fourth child and eldest son, attained great distinction. The chief steps in his career may be thus summarily stated: He was born in Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard, 11th of July, 1778: graduated at Harvard University with the second honors in his class, 1801. He was a member of the Mass. Senate from 1813 to 1816; Representative in Congress from 1817 to 1825; Speaker of the Mass. House of Representatives in 1825;
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Company I. (search)
June 9, 1862, Disch. Feb. 12, 1863, to enlist as music-boy. Gen. Rct Serv. Ft. Columbus, N. Y. Harbor. Disch. as Corp. June 9, 1865. William Winegar, Drummer, Barrington, Vt. 16, s; sailor-boy. Aug. 5, 1862. Absent without leave since Feb. 1863. John N. Horn. Wagoner. Roxbury, 35, m; teamster. June 10, 1862. Detached as Teamster, Oct. 1862. No further record. William Butler, Cook, 25. En. Port Hudson, La. Oct. 1, 1863. Deserted July 27, 1865. Fort Leavenworth, Ks. William Williams, Cook, en. Port Hudson, La. 24. Oct. 1, 1863. M. O. Sept. 28, 1865. George A. Abbott, en. Lynnfield. Aug. 11, 1862. Disch. June 9, 1865. William W. Abbott, E. Rumford, Me., en. Waltham, 28, m; blacksmith, Jan. 4, 1864. Disch. May 15, 1865. Unof. Barney baker, Salem, 44, m; mason. Aug. 8, 1862. Trans. to Co. C, 14th Regt. V. R.C. July 1, 1863. Disch. June 28, 1865. Henry F. Baker, Provincetown, 26, s; sailor. Aug. 7, 1862. Disch. May 20, 1865. Unof. Henry C. Barker
n, Leonard Sutton, Abraham Fryer, W. P. Nealey, Richard Beason, Henry White, John J. Graves, John H. Burtram, W. W. Carter and A. W. Copelind; total, 16. Capt. J. L. Porter's company, Desha cavalry: Killed, 4—Charles Noble, Vivian Stokes, William Williams. Captain Porter, wounded, afterward died. Wounded, 10— Lieut. T. A. Hardesty, Sergt. W. L. Story, Sergt. David W. Gibbs, W. W. Witherspoon, W. Wells, William Hewlett, James Cowen, William Cowan, Theodore Dreyfus and Joseph Leak; total, 14; D. Britt, W. T. Phillips, William Kidd, James T. Reynolds, Daniel Hawks and Ed. Alexander; total, 15. Company B, Captain Bell: Killed, 4—Capt. S. K. Bell, Sergt. William Brown, Martin Hawkins and Thomas Neal. Wounded, 7—M. Henry, J. Neal, Wm. Williams, Nick Wax, T. Robinson, Jeff Pollard and H. Smith; total, 11. Company C, Captain Brown: Killed, 3—Capt. H. T. Brown, James Adkins and D. B. Carr. Wounded, 9— John A. Clark, Sergt. J. Neill, H. H. Mareau, George K. Clark, John H. Dish
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