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Your search returned 24 results in 13 document sections:
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., Addenda: list of Massachusetts Officers and Soldiers who died of Wounds. (search)
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., Sullivan , Patrick (search)
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., Index of names of persons. (search)
Dr. F. W. Hancock having been ordered to Gen. Ewell's Brigade, as Surgeon, will necessarily be absent from the city for a time.
Those wishing his professional services will find his representative, Dr. James E. Williams, at his office, prepared to attend to their calls.
Dr. James E. Williams offers his professional services to the citizens of Richmond and vicinity.
He may be found at Dr. F. W. Hancock's office, on Main, between 3d and 4th streets, or at Mr. Wm. S. Phillips' officeg his professional services will find his representative, Dr. James E. Williams, at his office, prepared to attend to their calls.
Dr. James E. Williams offers his professional services to the citizens of Richmond and vicinity.
He may be found at Dr. F. W. Hancock's office, on Main, between 3d and 4th streets, or at Mr. Wm. S. Phillips' office, on 12th street, between Main and Bank, at the usual office hours.
Any message left at either place will be promptly attended to. se 10--ts
The Daily Dispatch: September 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Charmed life. (search)
Dr. F. W. Hancock having been ordered to Gen. Ewell's Brigade, as Surgeon will necessarily be absent from the city for a time.
Those wishing his professional services will find his representative, Dr. James E. Williams, at his office, prepared to attend to their calls.
Dr. James E. Williams offers his professional services to the citizens of Richmond and vicinity.
He may be found at Dr. F. W. Hancock's office, on Main, between 3d and 4th street, or at Mr. Wm. S. Phillips' office, oning his professional services will find his representative, Dr. James E. Williams, at his office, prepared to attend to their calls.
Dr. James E. Williams offers his professional services to the citizens of Richmond and vicinity.
He may be found at Dr. F. W. Hancock's office, on Main, between 3d and 4th street, or at Mr. Wm. S. Phillips' office, on 12th street, between Main and Bank, at the usual office hours.
Any message left at either place will be promptly attended to. se 10--ts.
Extorting money.
--The continued case of Edward Kelly, charged with presenting a pistol at the head of Beneni Catogni and demanding a sum of money, was resumed yesterday at the Mayor's Court.
We have heretofore given the testimony for the Commonwealth, and need not repeat it. A witness named Wicker was yesterday introduced for the defence, but he knew nothing of Kelly's second visit to the store.
He was with him when he first went there, heard him say he had lost his money, and believed it was in the house; also heard him propose to Mrs. Catogni to give him $12 and he would say no more about it; to which she replied "very well," and counted out the money to him. He saw no pistol.
Dr. James E. Williams, the employer of Kelly, gave him a good character, which was endorsed by Dr. Harrison.
The Mayor sent Kelly on to be indicted for misdemeanor, and admitted him to bail in the sum of $300.
--A reward of $80 will be paid for the recovery of my servant boy, Taylor, who left my house about the 19th of April. He was seen to get on board of the York River Railroad cars, in company with some soldiers on their way to Yorktown, who were supposed to belong to Gen. Longstreet's division.
Taylor is about 14 years old, rather small for his age, of dark ginger-break color, ready and smart in his address, and very sprightly in manner.
Francis W. Hancock,
Chief Surgeon 3d Division, or
Dr. Jas. E. Williams,
my 7--eod5t Richmond, Va.
The Daily Dispatch: May 12, 1862., [Electronic resource], Religious condition of our Soldiers, (search)
$20 reward.
--A reward of $20 will be paid for the recovery of my servant boy, Taylor, who left my house about the 19th of April. He was seen to get on board of the York River Railroad cars, in company with some soldiers, on their way to Yorktown, who were supposed to belong to Gen. Longstreet's division.
Taylor is about 14 years old, rather small for his age, of dark ginger-break color, ready and smart in his address, and very rightly in manner.
Address. Francis W. Hancock,
Chief Surgeon 3d Division, or
Dr. Jas. E. Williams,
my 7--ecd5t Richmond, Va.