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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 2, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Philip Williams or search for Philip Williams in all documents.
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Affairs in the Valley.
About a week ago in a notice of affairs in the Valley, we stated that Robert Y. Conrad, and Philip Williams, Esq., had been arrested by the Yankees in Winchester and carried off as hostages for Wm. Dooley, a Union man, who is now a prisoner in Castle Thunder.--A letter before us corrects this statement as to Mr. Williams, and says that Rev. Dr. A. H. Boyd, was the party arrested with Mr. Dr. B. is an able and distinguished minister of the Presbyterian Church, and hRobert Y. Conrad, and Philip Williams, Esq., had been arrested by the Yankees in Winchester and carried off as hostages for Wm. Dooley, a Union man, who is now a prisoner in Castle Thunder.--A letter before us corrects this statement as to Mr. Williams, and says that Rev. Dr. A. H. Boyd, was the party arrested with Mr. Dr. B. is an able and distinguished minister of the Presbyterian Church, and has long been in charge of a congregation in Winchester.
He is a brother-in-law of Hon. Faulkner.