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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7., An eighteenth century enterprise. (search)
, 1762In house of Nathan Tufts. Gray, John, and familyDec. 28, 1750 Green, Francis (?)Aug. 31, 1797 Green, IsaacApr. 16, 1784(Wife and family.) Greenleaf, Stephen   Maria (wife)Brookline, Mayor June, 1764Dec. 3, 1764 Greenough, Andrew (Hall?)Boston, September, 1769Oct. 8, 1770In family of Andrew Hall. Greenough, JohnJan. 30, 1791 Hadley, AbigailStoneham, Aug. 23, 1766In family of Widow Sarah Connory. Hadley, David Son of Samuel.Stoneham, February, 1762Jan. 1, 1763Apprentice to Benj. Willis. Hadley, SamuelStoneham, Nov. 25, 1762Sept. 1, 1763Tenants of Ebenr Harriden.   Abigail (wife)   Antony.   Jonathan   Abigail   Moses   Hulda Hadley, Samuel, Jr.Stoneham, Apr. 6, 1768Tenant of Thos. Sprague   Rebecca (wife) Hains, AquilaBostonAug. 9, 1763A transient person. Hains, DorcasBoston,June, 1766Mar. 2, 1767Scotchman. Gardener. In employ of Col. Royall. Hair, JohnBoston,April 21, 1769Oct. 8, 1770 Hall, AndrewBoston,September, 1769.   (wife)   Abi
A fast-day hymn. [Dea. Benjamin Willis' diary, Medford, 1764.] Wake up my Soule wake up my Eyes Wake up my Drowsy facquel Tyes o Lord Thy Prayes I'll Ever Sing prayes is A Very pleasant Thing. Boarding-School. Joseph Wyman begs leave to inform his friends, and the public, that he has good accommodations at Medford, 5 miles from Boston, in a healthly fituation, (which is to be confidered in a fickly feason) for about 15 fcholars, whom he will board and inftruct in any of the following branches of ufeful and ornamental knowledge, viz. Englifh Grammar, Compofition, Reading and Speaking, either on public occafions, or private entertainment— The Art of Penmanfhip in a modern, ufeful and ornamental manner; Arithmetic, thofe parts of it which are moftly ufed in bufinefs. A general knowledge in Geography; and the rudiments of Geomety and Drawing. The Miffes will be put under the immediate care of Mifs Haskel, who, if requefted, will inftruct them in the ufe of the Sewing-Need
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7., Meeting-house brook and the second Meeting-house. (search)
trade by boat from Medford to Boston, made his own barrels and owned a slaughter house within a few rods of the Great [Cradock] Bridge. In partnership with Benjamin Willis he bought almost the whole of the Jonathan Wade estate, including the Garrison House, as we call the Wade homestead. This land, which extended back from Highe of Brooks Lane [Brooks Lane proper, Bradlee Road, Porter Road and Governor's Avenue] was bought in small shares from the husbands of Jonathan Wade's daughters. Willis sold most of his share in various parcels to Andrew Hall or his heirs, until eventually nearly all the orginal purchase was owned by the Hall family. The homes50: To 12 acres pasture land formerly John Hall's land @ £ 4: 10 Pr acre54: To 25 acres pasture land @ £ 4 Pr acre100: To Half 23 acres pasture land with Benja Willis @ £ 5 Pr acre59:10: To a wood lott known by the name of Call's Lott containing 5 acres @ 16s Pr acre4: To a wood lott known by the name of Gerrish Lott conta