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ix pages of Mr. Jonathan Wade's records remain. As it was customary to keep the town-records in the same hands as long as possible, it is fairly presumed that this gentleman was the second, perhaps the first, town-clerk. His successor was Mr. Stephen Willis, who remained in office thirty-six years, exercising a fidelity which entitles him to the name of veteran. The first volume of records is wholly of his writing, save the little above-mentioned and the seven years of Mr. John Bradstreet. Wn1659. Joseph Hills1662. Jonathan Wade1668. Edward Collins1669. John Call1669. Daniel Deane1669. Samuel Hayward1670. Caleb Brooks1672. Daniel Markham1675. John Whitmore1678. John Greenland1678. Daniel Woodward1679. Isaac Fox1679. Stephen Willis1680. Thomas Willis1680. John Hall1680. Gersham Swan1684. Joseph Angier1684. John Bradshaw1685. Stephen Francis1685. Peter Tufts1686. Jonathan Tufts1690. John Tufts1690. Simon Bradstreet1695. The following owned lands in Medford
own in 1630. The first representative was Stephen Willis, elected Feb. 25, 1684. The annual meetinte of its inhabitants, Feb. 25, 1683:-- Stephen Willis was chosen to keep the records for the usethe attachment010 For entering action023 Stephen Willis, for charge at court016 Oct. 19, 1686r Tufts, are chosen Viewers of fences; and Stephen Willis is chosen Town-clerk. Here are but eigs,Assessors. Thos. Brooks, Edward Hall, Stephen Willis, chosen Constable, refused to serve, and pNathaniel Wade1706. Stephen Francis1707. Stephen Willis1708. John Francis1709. Ebenezer Brooks17. John Whitmore1712. Thomas Willis1713. Stephen Willis1714. Jonathan Tufts1715. Samuel Wade17171855. Names of the treasurers. Stephen Willis1696. John Bradstreet1700. Samuel Wade170s of the town-clerks. J. Wade1674. Stephen Willis1675. John Bradstreet1701. Stephen WillisStephen Willis1708. Thomas Tufts1718. William Willis1719. Benjamin Willis1721. William Willis1726. Ebenezer B[6 more...]
said Constitution of government, said convention may consist of no person or persons belonging to said General Court. A new movement was made, and another convention called; separate counties held preparatory meetings; and, October, 1779, Stephen Willis, 3d, was chosen Delegate to meet in convention at Concord. When the town came to act on the doings of this convention, as they regarded a new Constitution of civil government for the State, the record says:-- July 29, 1779: The whole of tator,1852. E. C. Baker, Senator,1855. Representatives of Medford in the General Court. Peter Tuftschosen1689. Peter Tufts1690. Nathaniel Wade1692. Peter Tufts1694. Thomas Willis1703. Ebenezer Brooks1704. Thomas Willis1705. Stephen Willis1708. Thomas Tufts1714. Peter Tufts1715. Thomas Tufts1718. John Bradshaw1722. Samuel Brooks1723. John Allfordchosen1726. Benjamin Willis1730. William Willis1735. John Hall1741. William Willis1742. Andrew Hall1744. Stephen Hall1751.
that our fathers enlisted such men as Chief Justice Sewall in their troubles. The fact is as follows:-- June 5, 1708. To Mr. Benjamin Woodbridge, per Lieut. Stephen Willis. Sir,--In your account of disbursements, given to the town of Medford, at their meeting, Dec. 19, 1705, your first article is, The expenses upon land, hst, and delight to abide in the midst of us. John Whitmore. Thomas Hall. Nathaniel Pierce. Ebenezer Brooks. John Francis. Samuel Brooks. Thomas Willis. Stephen Willis. John Whitmore. John Bradshaw. Stephen Hall. Persival Hall. Jonathan Hall. Francis Whitmore. Thomas Willis, jun. Signed Feb. 11, 1713. This being ed to the business of ordination. In the meeting-house the church publicly renewed their call; and Mr. Osgood publicly accepted. Introductory prayer, by Rev. Mr. Willis, of Malden; sermon, by Rev. Mr. French, of Andover; ordaining prayer and charge, by Rev. Dr. Appleton, of Cambridge; right hand of fellowship, by Rev. Mr. Coo
tion was opened, and one pound was subscribed by the following persons: Thomas Willis, Caleb Brooks, Stephen Francis, Stephen Willis, John Francis, John Whitmore, John Bradshoe, Jonathan Tufts, John Hall, jun., Nathaniel Hall, Stephen Hall, sen., Joh been completed in May, 1696, five gentlemen — viz., Peter Tufts, John Hall, sen., Caleb Brooks, Stephen Francis, and Stephen Willis — were chosen the committee to place the inhabitants in the meeting-house; the Selectmen first to place the committeetten, we commend the above fact to their biographer. At the same meeting, Lieut. Peter Tufts, Ebenezer Brooks, and Stephen Willis, had leave granted them to build each a pew. This vote was strangely modified, with respect to one of these gentlemen John Whitmore. Caleb Brooks. Nathaniel Francis. John Winship. William Willis. Stephen Hall. Jonathan Hall. Stephen Willis. Oliver Attwood. Abner Harris. John Francis. Samuel Francis. Thomas Willis. John Whitmore. John Francis. Eben
that part of the town. As it is now standing, it may be worth while to state a few facts touching its origin. Articles of agreement were concluded, Feb. 20, 1746, between Richard Sprague, cooper, Samuel Page, yeoman, Simon Tufts, Esq., physician, John Willis, yeoman, Stephen Hall, trader, Stephen Bradshaw, yeoman, Simon Bradshaw, leather-dresser, and Benjamin Parker, blacksmith, on the one part, all of Medford, and owners of land; and, on the other part, Stephen Hall, Samuel Page, and Stephen Willis, of Medford, husbandmen, and Benjamin Parker, of Charlestown, housewright, as undertakers. They, of the first part, give the portions of land they own lying between the market and Cross Street, on condition that they, of the second part, will open a straight road, two rods wide, from the market to Cross Street, and build a stone bridge over Gravelly Creek. This was introductory to building the tidemill. Benjamin Parker gave the land on which the mill was built,--thirty-one feet long,
niel Wade043 John Hall033 Caleb Brooks0111 Thomas Willis037 Stephen Willis0110 Peter Tufts, jun.034 Stephen Francis0110 John Whitmore01 John Francis0126 John Hall, jun.086 Jonathan Tufts01910 Stephen Willis, jun.068 Stephen Hall, sen.066 Serg. Stephen Willis114 EbenezerSerg. Stephen Willis114 Ebenezer Brooks0178 Samuel Brooks01010 Mr. Richard Rookes070 Mrs. Elizabeth Wade0189 Parcill Hall066 George Blanchard036 Jacob Shepherd0130 NatThomas Hall, constable, for James Tufts's headmoney0100 Due to Stephen Willis, sen., for pocket-money at Court of Sessions, three days030 Duson0100094011 Samuel Wade01000192069 John Tufts0000156000 Stephen Willis, jun.0100170090 John Willis01400150080 Thomas Dill01000111039 N310 Thomas Hall010001060411 Mr. Ebenezer Brooks1001511174 Stephen Willis, sen.010011001011 Captain Peter Tufts010021600191 John Hall, junDudley Wade, referring to the proposals made this meeting by Stephen Willis, jun., in said Wade's behalf, respecting the burying-place in Medf
Mercy Wade, of Medford, Oct. 9, 1699. Their children were Dudley, born Oct. 26, 1701, married Sarah Pierce, Aug. 18, 1724; Ann, born July 7, 1704; Lucy, born May 30, 1706; and Patience, born Feb. 13, 1712. Sarah married Rev. John Tufts, of Newbury, who was born in Medford. Our ancestors generally assembled in town-meeting at six o'clock, A. M., during the warm weather. Nov. 26, 1700.--The above town-meeting was adjourned to the sixth day of December next, to meet at the house of Stephen Willis, sen., about sun-setting. 1700.--Meeting-house in Medford so cold that men struck their feet together, and children gathered around their mothers' footstoves. 1700.--At this time, black dogs were put into the contribution-box in Medford. A silver coin bore this nickname. 1700.--Elders and messengers. These titles were used in letters missive, till the beginning of this century, to designate the pastors and delegates invited to assist in the ordination of ministers. 1700.--C
and d. Feb. 22, 1739.   Dec. 24, 1680, he, with John Hall, Thomas Willis, Stephen Willis, and Stephen Francis, divided the Collins Farm between them; Caleb Hobart h brother John, and also carried on the trade of a tanner; he bought land of Stephen Willis, to be used as a tanyard. He also owned land near Marbey Brook, besides hio was b. in Durham, Nov. 16, 1822. Child:--   Henry F., b. June 4, 1853.  1Willis, George, was freeman, May 2, 1638, then living at Cambridge with wife Jane. In. Nov. 16, 1679.  7Mary, b. Mar. 1, 1682.  8William, b. July 7, 1685. 1-3Stephen Willis lived in Braintree; moved to Medford 1678, in which year he sold Caleb Hobanj. Parker, Apr. 22, 1714.  16Stephen.  17Rebecca, m. Thomas Seccomb. 2-6Stephen Willis m. Susanna----, and d. Mar. 15, 1718. She d. Mar. 12, 1742. His children Aug 27, 1754, aged 60, and had--  8-26Thomas, b. Aug., 1710; d. young.   Stephen Willis possibly (6-23) m. Elizabeth Bradshaw, Nov. 12, 1741, and had--  27S
itrary power of any who are not chosen by this people according to theire patent, Cambridg the 17th of the 8. 1664. Charles Chauncy. Edward Oakes. Samll. Andrewe. Jonathan Mitchell. Elijah Corlett. Richard Champny. Edmund Frost. Gregory Stone. John Bridge. John Stedman. ffrancis Whitmor. Richard Jackson. Edward Shephard. Gilbert × Cracbon. John Fisenden. John Cooper. Abraham Erringtoon. Humfry Bradsha. John Gibson. Richard Hassell. Danill Kempster. Thomas × Fox. George × Willis. Thomas × Hall. Richard Dana. Nicolas × Wythe. Thomas Chesholm. Samuel Green. Tho. Swetman. Richard Robins. William Diksone. Richard Eccles. Thomas Longhorne. John Watsonn. Roger × Bukk. Andrew × Stevenson. John × parents. James Hubbard. Robert × Wilson. Rob. × Parker. John × Bouttell. Robert Stedman. Thomas Cheny. Willyam × Heally. John Palfray. Ffrancts Moore, senr. John Gove. will × Michelson. Edward Hall. William Barrett. John Holman. will. Bordman. Zacharye Hick
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