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Virginia State Convention.Tenth day. Monday, Feb. 25, 1861. The Convention was called to order at 12 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Minnegerode, of St. Paul's Church. Committee. The President announced the following select committee, under Mr. Tredway's resolution, adopted on Saturday, to make inquiries as to whether any movement of arms or men has been made by the General Government, indicating a purpose to coerce Virginia; Messrs. Tredway, Pendleton, Bouldin, Wilson and Mallory. Amendments to the Constitution. Mr. Haymond offered the following resolution, which, on his motion, was laid on the table and ordered to be printed: Resolved, That the Constitution of this State should be amended, and that this Convention will amend the Constitution wherein it is necessary and proper that it should be amended, and will submit the same as amended to the voters of the State for their adoption or rejection. Mr. Hall, of Wetzel, offered the following,
The Convention. The President yesterday appointed the following committee under the resolution adopted on Saturday, relative to the alleged menacing movements by the General Government: Messrs. Tredway, Pendleton, Bouldin, Wilson and Mallory. Mr. Haymond introduced a resolution contemplating amendments to the State Constitution, which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Hall, of Wetzel, offered resolutions on the same subject, which were tabled. A petition from Mr. Collier, of Petersburg, relating to the national troubles, was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. A report fixing the compensation of officers was adopted. Mr. Moore, of Rockbridge, submitted resolutions demanding from the North security against future wrongs; opposed to going into any Confederacy which had for its objects the re-opening of the African slave trade, free trade, or direct taxation; and proposing to go into Confederacy on the basis of the Crittenden resolutions, or their
Wheeler & Wilson'ssewing Machines have won the highest premiums at the fair of the U. S. Agricultural Society, and at the State Fairs of-- Maine, Vermont, Connec't, N. York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Missouri, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Wiscon'n, Califor'ia, New Jersey, lowa, North Carolina; and at the Fairs of the-- American Institute, N. York; Mechanics' Association, Boston; Franklin Instituarly adapted to each other, and to the office which they perform, resulting in a freedom from derangement and need for repairs, with an ease of adjustment not attained in the more complicated contrivances. In our examination we find in Wheeler & Wilson's Machines these advantages over all others, 1st. Its bearing surfaces and parts having a reciprocating motion, are very light, and the more rapid motions are rotary, and continuous, thus economizing both time and power. 2d. One tension, which i
gs, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. Directors: David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly s, Merchandize, of every description; Household Furniture and Family Wearing Apparel, vessels, Cargoes and Freight, at the lowest current rates. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible dispatch. Directors: David Currie, C. T. Wortham, John H. Claiborne, John J. Wilson, Alex. Garrett, Robert M. Burton, Francis J. Barnes, John T. Sublett, Thos. A. Rust, Geo. N. Gwathmey. David Currie, President. John J. Wilson, Treasurer. R. T. Brooke, Secretary. de 27--ly