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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 18: the Capital secured.--Maryland secessionists Subdued.--contributions by the people. (search)
apolis Junction, 439. the New York Seventh in Washington Winans's steam gun, 440. exasperation against Baltimore, 441. reasonable work under Colonel J. R. Trimble and others. Winans's steam-gun. On Sunday, the 21st, cannon were exercisn, invented by Charles S. Dickinson, and manufactured by Ross Winans, a wealthy iron-worker of Baltimore, was purchased by thBoston Light Artillery, all under Major Cook, in capturing Winans's steam-gun at Ellicott's Mills, May 10, 1861. together with Dickinson, See page 440. Winans was an aged man, a thorough secessionist, and worth, it was estimated, about fifteen ring fifty men, who were ordered up to Frederick to arrest Winans. When these trains moved up along the margin of the Patap four thousand and twenty pikes or spears, manufactured by Winans. While the vehicles were a loading, the crowd, which had en to Federal Hill, and from there to Fort McHenry. cast Ross Winans into Fort McHenry, in accordance with orders from Washin