Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Ross Winans or search for Ross Winans in all documents.

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ille, D. D., D. 103 Dickson, David L., P. 73 Dictator, one wanted in Va., D. 61 Dickinson, —, inventor of Winans' steam-gun, D. 66 Dickinson, Daniel S., D. 67; speech at N. Y., April 20, Doc. 85 Dickinson, H., commissionerg, N. Y., April 20, Doc. 117 State sovereignty does not authorize secession, Int. 15 Steam-gun, description of Winans', P. 98 Steele, John B. D. 32 Stephens, A. H., speech at Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 14, Doc. 219; quotation fro V., D. 102; Doc. 366; speech at the departure of his regiment, Doc. 367 Wilson's Zouaves leave N. Y., D. 102 Winans' steam-gun, described, P. 98 Winans, Ross, his steam-gun captured, D. 66; arrested, D. 59, 70 Winans, Thomas,Winans, Ross, his steam-gun captured, D. 66; arrested, D. 59, 70 Winans, Thomas, notice of, P. 59 Winser, Lieut, D. 79 Winslow, Lanier & Co., of New York, D. 47 Winthrot, Theodore, Major, anecdote of, D. 105; at Bethel, Doc. 361 Winthrot, B. R., D. 46 Winthrop, R. C., anecdote of, P. 21 Wiscassett