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United States, and endeavors to indicate the position which the States under Jefferson Davis now occupy with relation to those under President Lincoln, and the status which both portions of the country now hold with relation to Great Britain and the rest of the world.--(Doc. 152.) The steamer Pembroke sailed from Boston, Mass., for Fort Monroe, with reinforcements, including Capt. Tyler's Boston Volunteers, and a company from Lynn, under Capt. Chamberlain.--N. Y. World, May 11. The Winans steam-gun was captured this morning. A wagon, containing a suspiciouslooking box and three men, was observed going out on the Frederick road from Baltimore, and the fact being communicated to General Butler, at the Relay House, he despatched a scouting party in pursuit, who overtook the wagon six miles beyond the Relay House, at Ilchester. On examination it was found that the box contained the steam-gun. It was being taken to Harper's Ferry. The soldiers brought the gun and the three men
were accompanied with a full band of music, and as the train moved off a salute was fired from the Naval School. The regiment marched back to the city, and much enthusiasm was manifested by the citizens.--National Intelligencer, May 16. Ross Winans was arrested at the Relay c House, on the Baltimore and Ohio road, by the federal officers. Governor Hicks, with others, endeavored to have him released on security, but this was refused, and he was placed under guard.--Philadelphia Press, Mareassure the destiny of the Republic. Governoe Andrew's address is printed is full in the Boston Transcript, May 14. A schooner was seized at the wharf in Baltimore, by a United States officer. She had a number of pikes, manufactured by Winans, and Minie rifles on board. She was taken over to the south side of the harbor, under Federal Hill, and a guard placed on board.--N. Y. Times, May 15. Gen. Butler issued a proclamation from his Headquarters on Federal Hill — in which he exp
f their soil, plunderers of their estates, destroyers of their homes and firesides, and polluters of their women. We demand that every prisoner in Richmond be incarcerated and put in irons. Justice, humanity, and civilization alike cry aloud for stern retribution. Senator Kennedy, of Maryland, in the Senate, at Washington, presented a memorial from the Legislature of that State, denouncing the National Government in unmeasured terms, and protesting against its action in imprisoning Ross Winans and others suspected of conspiracy. Its reception was objected to by several members on account of its disrespectful tone, but it was finally admitted and ordered to be printed, on the ground that it would not do to deny the right of petition.--N. Y. Times, August 5. Beriah Magoffin, Governor of Kentucky, issued a proclamation commanding all persons having arms belonging to the State, that have been unlawfully seized, to immediately deliver them up, that they may be returned to the
t all good citizens and patriots are called to rally to its support, without distinction of party, and do all in their power to put down the rebellion and treason that are now in arms against our rulers, our Constitution, and our laws. Resolved, That we appoint delegates, without distinction of party, to represent the town of Fairfield at the great Union meeting at Bridgeport to-morrow. The Provost-marshal of Baltimore, Md., this morning, before break of day, arrested Mayor Brown, Ross Winans, Charles H. Pitts, Lawrence Sangster, S. T. Wallis, and T. P. Scott, members of the Maryland Legislature, F. H. Howard, editor of the Exchange, and delivered them at Fort McHenry. He also arrested Messrs. Dennison, Quinlan, and Dr. Lynch, members of the Legislature from Baltimore County; Henry M. Warfield, Dr. J. Hansom, Thomas and John C. Brune, members of the Legislature from Baltimore City; also Thomas J. Hall, Jr., editor of the Baltimore South. All the arrests were made pursuant to
Sept. 23. At Fortress Monroe, Va., Ross Winans, one of the Baltimore members of the Legislature, having taken the oath of allegiance, was this morning released.--Commodore Stringham was relieved by Captain Goldsborough.--Baltimore American, Sept. 24. This night a successful effort to burn the barn and haystacks around Munson's Hill, Va., was made by Major Frank Lemon and Lieut. Chas. Dimond, of the California regiment. At the forge of some blacksmiths they made some fifty or more conical slugs, and with these and a Sharp's rifle they started for the line of our pickets, built a fire, and commenced heating shot. One of them with a cloth would drop the shot into the muzzle of the rifle, and the Major, being the best shot, blazed away. At the second shot the hay-ricks were in a blaze. In two more shots the barn caught. Out rushed the rebels, and made for the hill Lieutenant Wilson, with a squad of the Fourth Cavalry, proceeded to Unity, a small place in the northern
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 18: the Capital secured.--Maryland secessionists Subdued.--contributions by the people. (search)
apolis Junction, 439. the New York Seventh in Washington Winans's steam gun, 440. exasperation against Baltimore, 441. reasonable work under Colonel J. R. Trimble and others. Winans's steam-gun. On Sunday, the 21st, cannon were exercisn, invented by Charles S. Dickinson, and manufactured by Ross Winans, a wealthy iron-worker of Baltimore, was purchased by thBoston Light Artillery, all under Major Cook, in capturing Winans's steam-gun at Ellicott's Mills, May 10, 1861. together with Dickinson, See page 440. Winans was an aged man, a thorough secessionist, and worth, it was estimated, about fifteen ring fifty men, who were ordered up to Frederick to arrest Winans. When these trains moved up along the margin of the Patap four thousand and twenty pikes or spears, manufactured by Winans. While the vehicles were a loading, the crowd, which had en to Federal Hill, and from there to Fort McHenry. cast Ross Winans into Fort McHenry, in accordance with orders from Washin
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 5: Baltimore and Fortress Monroe. (search)
it desirable to enter Baltimore capture of Ross Winans marching up Federal Hill in a storm a scaed success. A Baltimorean by the name of Ross Winans, a gray-haired old man of more than three s promptness and despatch, and in the morning Mr. Winans found himself at my headquarters in Annapoliad them all taken to Fort McHenry. I think Ross Winans' pikes were caused to be delivered by Marsh I received the report of my secretary that Ross Winans had been captured, and was held in arrest. administration, was going to Washington to get Winans' release. How much of Winans' $15,000,000 it Winans' $15,000,000 it cost him, I do not know, but it should have been a very large sum, because he evidently relied upon t a company and captured the chief traitor, Ross Winans, who made pikes of the John Brown pattern fbjection and quiet? Cadwallader may release Winans,--probably will. You must guard against he had given an order for the release of Ross Winans. The President did me the honor to offer m[4 more...]
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 12: administration of finances, politics, and justice.--recall. (search)
ks. I may as well say here as anywhere, perhaps, in closing the account of my financial transactions in New Orleans, that most of the property, amounting to some millions of dollars, that I had taken from the neutrals because I found them in arms against the United States, was given up by Mr. Seward on complaint of the foreign ministers, and was duly returned upon orders through the adjudications of a commissioner, Reverdy Johnson, the Baltimore secessionist who interfered in behalf of Ross Winans. He was appointed by Mr. Seward and instructed to decide, as he did in every case, in favor of the foreigner. Seward lived under a consuming and chronic fear that if we held any property of a foreigner, however guilty of treason, his government would declare for the independence of the Confederacy; and those governments and their officers did not scruple to take full advantage of Seward's timidity. After I had been relieved and had settled all my accounts with the government, so that
sition sustained, 64. Cameron, Simon, Secretary of War, requisition for two Massachusetts regiments, 170; regarding Ross Winans, 234; urges Butler to remain in service, 239; letter to, 240; instructions regarding contrabands, 259-261; reference ther, 792. Seward, William H., as probable Republican nominee for President, 143, 145, 146; had no authority to release Winans, 234; action in Trent affair, 319, 323, 324; reply to English minister regarding woman order, 420; nullifies Butler's ord, 170; leaves for Washington, 174; march through Baltimore, 176, 180, 205; ordered to Relay House, 225; feeling toward Ross Winans, 227-228; company escorts Butler in Baltimore, 234. Sixth Maine Battery clears mob at New Orleans, 376. Sixth Co Wilmington expedition, 774, 779, 782, 830; blockade runners enter harbor, 849. Windmill Point, Hancock at, 686. Winans, Ross, 227, 229, 233, 235, 239. Winthrop, Robert C., appointed U. S. Senator, 116. Winthrop, Theodore, first meeting wi
Among the men whose names should never be forgotten, until they have been duly punished for the atrocious crimes in which they have involved themselves at Baltimore, Ross Winans, Thomas Winans, Abel of the Baltimore Sun, Kane, the Police Marshal, S. Teakle Wallis, and some others, are already known to the country. They are all traitors of the blackest dye, and amply merit the traitor's doom. We now learn the name of another of these conspirators to destroy the Union and ruin Maryland. It is signed to the following order served upon a peaceful citizen of Baltimore on Tuesday last: Baltimore, April 23. Mr. John T. Burgess:--You are hereby notified to leave the State of Maryland within twenty-four hours after receipt of this note from date, by authority of the Regulators' Committee of the State. W. G. H. Ehrman. When the final settlement of accounts takes place at Baltimore, Mr. W. G. H. Ehrman, of the Regulators' Committee of the State, need not fear that he will b