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tly." The Press publishes the following letter from Capt. Sawyer to his wife. Provost General's office. Va. July 6, 1863. My Dear Wife: I am under the necessity of informing you that my prospect looks very dusk. Thin morning all the captains now prisoners at the Libby military prison drew lots for two to be executed. It fell in my lot. Myself and Captain Flynn, of the 31st instant. Infantry will be executed for two captains executed by Burnside. The Provost General, J. H. Winder, secures me that the Secretary of War of the Southern Confederacy will permit yourself and my dear children to visit me before I am executed. --You will be permitted to bring an attendance Capt. Whilldin or uncle W. W. Ware, or Dan, had better come with you. My situation is hard to be borne, and I cannot think of dying without seeing you and the children. You will be allowed to return without molestation to your home. I am resigned to whatever is in store for me, with the consolation th