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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
ed on the 13th of July to send Jackson with his old division, under Winder, and that of Ewell, to protect this important junction. Jackson arope at Culpepper with his three divisions, Ewell first, followed by Winder and A. P. Hill, forming altogether an army from twenty-five to thirderable on both sides, Early did not dare to resume the offensive. Winder, with Jackson's second division, was following close upon the firsteing held in reserve. Just as he was placing his guns in position, Winder was killed by the bursting of a shell. Evell, on his side, having the right wing, under Williams, had made a similar movement against Winder's division, and in an instant the fire of musketry burst forth alono with great vigor, threw it into complete disorder.. The centre of Winder's division was thus pierced, and Taliaferro's soldiers, flying alongades of Branch, Pender and Archer in person to the left to replace Winder's division in the line of battle. Jordon's three small regiments w
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 8 (search)
ade, Pryor. 2d Division, A. P. Hill. 1st Brigade, J. R. Anderson; 2d Brigade, M. Gregg; 3d Brigade, Archer; 4th Brigade, Field; 5th Brigade, Branch; 6th Brigade, Pender. 2d corps, Jackson. 1st Division, Jackson. 1st Brigade (Stonewall), Winder; 2d Brigade, Cunningham; 3d Brigade, Fulkerstone; 4th Brigade, Lawton. 2d Division, Ewell. 1st Brigade, Elzey (afterward Early); 2d Brigade, Trimble; 3d Brigade, Seymour. 3d Division, Whiting. 1st Brigade, Hood; 2d Brigade, Laws. 4th Degiments; 2d Brigade, Armistead, 4 regiments; 3d Brigade, Wilcox, 5 regiments; 4th Brigade, Pryor, 4 regiments; 5th Brigade, Featherstone, 4 regiments; 6th Brigade, Mahone, 4 regiments. Jackson's command. 1st Division, Starke. 1st Brigade, Winder (afterward Grigsby), 3 regiments, 2 batteries; 2d Brigade, Taliaferro (afterward Warren), 4 regiments; 3d Brigade, Stafford, 5 regiments, 1 battery; 4th Brigade, Jones (afterward Johnston), 4 regiments. 2d Division, Ewell. 1st Brigade, Lawton
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 9 (search)
e, Drayton's brigade. Artillery, Walton. 2d corps, Jackson. 1st Division, A. P. Hill. Field's brigade, Gregg's brigade, Thomas' brigade, Lane's brigade, Archer's brigade, Pender's brigade. 2d Division, D. H. Hill. Rodes' brigade, Iverson's brigade, Doles' brigade (formerly Ripley's), Colquitt's brigade, Grimes' brigade (formerly Anderson's). 3d Division, Ewell. Hay's brigade, Trimble's brigade, Early's brigade, Lawton's brigade. 4th Division, Taliaferro. Paxton's brigade (formerly Winder's), Jones' brigade, Warren's brigade, Pendleton's brigade (formerly Starke's). Artillery, Walker. Cavalry Division, Stuart. W. F. Lee's brigade, Fitzhugh Lee's brigade, Hampton's brigade. Reserve Artillery, Alexander. Note.—These tables are sometimes incomplete, for they have been prepared from information gathered here and there in the reports of different generals, there being no official records in relation to the subject, except for Lee's army at Fredericksburg