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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 8: winter campaign in the Valley. 1861-62. (search)
these two routes the Federalists must have escaped, but so dilatory had been the movements of General Loring's command, that even his skirmishers were not in sight of the rear of the fugitives, when they disappeared. It was not immediately apparent, therefore, by which of the roads the main body had gone. General Jackson, accordingly, divided his forces, sending a part of his cavalry, and General Loring's column, towards Hancock; the second Virginia brigade, under Colonel Gilham, and Captain Wingfield's company of cavalry, towards Sir John's Run; and Colonel Rust with his and the 37th Virginia regiments, and two field-pieces, by the western road, towards an important railroad bridge over the Great Capon river. The first of these detachments General Jackson accompanied. It speedily overtook the rear of the enemy, and drove them, with some loss, into Hancock. The General then crowned the southern bank of the river with artillery, and fired a few shots into the town. This was in re
sposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby requested to invite the attention of the confederate government to the arrest and sentence of these three worthy citizens of this State, and to respectfully ask that the facts may be investigated; and, if found as stated and believed, that three citizens of the Federal States (if there be such in the hands of the confederate authorities) be held at hard labor, one with ball and chain, on the public streets, as hostages for Messrs. Bain, Hodges, and Wingfield. The rules having been suspended, the preamble and resolution were unanimously passed and ordered to be communicated to the House.
anded, in the battle of Boonsboroa: This command, consisting of the Eighth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-eighth, and Fifty-sixth regiments of Virginia volunteers, commanded respectively by Colonel Hunton, Major Cabell, Colonel Strange, Captain Wingfield, and Colonel Stuart, left the neighborhood of Hagerstown, Maryland, on the morning of the fourteenth September last, and reached Boonsboroa, on the Hagerstown and Frederick turnpike, in the afternoon, after a hot, dusty, and fatiguing march Early in the forenoon of the seventeenth September, 1862, these troops, composed of the Eighth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-eighth, and Fifty-sixth Virginia volunteers, commanded by Colonel Hunton, Major Cabell, Lieutenant Wm. N. Wood, Captain Wingfield, and Captain McPhail, were ordered to the south-eastern side of the village to support several batteries of the Washington artillery, commanding the easterly and southerly approaches to the town. As far as practicable, the command was shel
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Organization of army of Northern Virginia. (search)
of companies20 Third corps---Colonel R. Lindsay Walker.   20-lb. Parrotts.10-lb. Parrotts.3-inch Rifles.Napoleons.12-lb. Howitzers.24-lb. Howitzers.Other Guns. Maj. D. G. McIntoshHurt  2    Whitworth.2 Maj. W. F. PoagueRice   4     Luck  4      Johnson  22    10 rifles; 6 Napoleons.         Lt. Col. GarnettLewis 13     Major RichardsonMaurin 122     Moore 112     Grandy  2 2   11 rifles; 4 Naps.; 2 Hows.         Major CutshawWyatt 1122    Woolfolk    4    Brookes   31   2 rifles; 5 Naps.; 7 Hows.         Maj. Willie J. PegramBrunson  3 1    Davidson   31    Crenshaw 21      McGraw   4     Marye 2 2    8 rifles; 9 Naps.; 2 Hows.         Lt. Col. CuttsWingfield23     Whitworth.1 Major LaneRoss 311     Patterson   24   10 rifles; 3 Naps.; 4 Hows.           214222715 3 Total number of rifles
sh back his smaller one as they advanced. Ashby had in his command some 300 militia, armed with flint-lock muskets, and two companies of cavalry. He asked General Evans to co-operate with him from Leesburg by sending a force to Loudoun heights, which could prevent the sending of Federal reinforcements across the Potomac, and could drive the enemy from the shelter of the houses at Harper's Ferry. Ashby was reinforced, on the 15th, by two more companies of McDonald's Virginia cavalry, Captain Wingfield's, mounted and armed with minie rifles, and Captain Miller's company, about 30 mounted and the rest on foot, armed with flint-lock guns. He also had a rifled 4-pounder, and a badly mounted 24-pounder, which broke down during the engagement and which he had to spike and abandon. His force, on the morning of the 16th, was 300 militia, parts of two regiments commanded by Colonel Albert of Shenandoah and Major Finter of Page; 180 of McDonald's cavalry, Captain Henderson's men, under comm
hilip F., major; Gordon, William W., colonel; Grigsby, Andrew J., major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Haynes, Charles L., lieutenant-colonel; Paxton, Elisha F., major; Shriver, Daniel M., major, lieutenant-colonel. Twenty-eighth Artillery battalion: Tabb, William B., major. Twenty-eighth Infantry regiment: Allen, Robert C., major, colonel; Paul, Samuel B., lieutenant-colonel; Preston, Robert T., colonel; Spessard, Michael P., major; Watts, William, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Wingfield, William L., lieutenant-colonel; Wilson, Nathaniel C., major. Twenty-ninth Infantry battalion. (No field officers given. Most of line officers found in Sixty-fourth Infantry.) Twenty-ninth Infantry regiment: Bruster, Ebenezer, major; Giles, James, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Haynes, Alexander, major, lieutenant-colonel; Horne, William R. B., major; Leigh, William, lieutenant-colonel; Moore, Alfred C., colonel; Smith, Edwin R., major, lieutenant-colonel; White, Isaac, major.
ton—Sixth brigade, Col. Edmund W. Rucker: Eighth Mississippi, Col. William L. Duff; Eighteenth Mississippi, Lieut.-Col. Alexander H. Chalmers; Seventh Tennessee, Col. W. L. Duckworth. Division of Brig.-Gen. Abraham Buford—Third brigade, Kentucky cavalry, Col. Edward Crossland, Col. Hylan B. Lyon—Fourth brigade, Tennessee cavalry, Col. Tyree H. Bell. Southern district, Brig.-Gen. Wirt Adams commanding: Wirt Adams—division-Scott's brigade, Col. John S. Scott: Scott's Louisiana regiment, Wingfield's Louisiana battalion, Col. Frank P. Powers' Louisiana and Mississippi regiment, Colonel Gober's command, Maj. I. N. Ogden's battalion, Col. B. D. Lay's cavalry—Wood's brigade, Col. Robert C. Wood, Jr.: Wood's regiment, Lieut.-Col. George Moorman's Mississippi battalion—Gholson's brigade, Brig.-Gen. Samuel J. Gholson: Mississippi regiments of Col. Thomas C. Ashcroft, Col. T. W. Ham, Col. William L. Lowry, Col. John McQuirk—Mabry's brigade, Col. Hinchie P. Mabry: Colonel Dumonteil's
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Fortification and siege of Port Hudson—Compiled by the Association of defenders of Port Hudson; M. J. Smith, President; James Freret, Secretary. (search)
, Grierson's column was ambuscaded by a company of Wingfield's cavalry, and he lost a lieutenant-colonel, major General Grover's approach. On the next day Colonel Wingfield's cavalry commenced skirmishing with the advansissippi, Colonel W. B. Shelby, and one company of Wingfield's cavalry, dismounted, under command of Lieutenant the direction of Aberger's field. At this point, Wingfield's battalion of cavalry and one section of the Watsrious engagement. Through the energy of Lieutenant-Colonel Wingfield, commanding cavalry, I soon learned that of Lieutenant S. D. Rhodes, with fifteen men from Wingfield's battalion-total, sixty men and officers — was orng (Whitfield) guns, under charge of detachment of Wingfield's battalion. At various times since the beginniarish; Tenth Arkansas, Lieutenant-Colonel Vaughan; Wingfield's (or the Company of Ninth Louisiana battalion cav Toledano; two small breech loaders, Whitworth, of Wingfield's battalion, Captain Sparkman. Confederate loss
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
eorge B. Shackelford, and Lieutenants Halstead and Morris; 40 men. Company F, Captain George Wayne Anderson, and Lieutenants Mills and Paynter; 56 men. Zzztwo Regiments combine. The third section of the infantry was occupied by a special formation from the Second and Fourth regiments of this State and some of the visiting troops. Lieutenant-Colonel Pole was in command of this regiment, which was made up as follows: Company D, Monticello Guard, Captain J. S. Keller, and Lieutenants Wingfield and Conlon; 40 men. Company D, of the Fourth Regiment, Captain G. W. Hope. Company G, of the Second Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant B. P. Hatcher. Company H, of the Fourth Regiment, commanded by Captain G. E. Morrison. The Roanoke Machine-Works' Guard, Captain N. P. Perkins, and Lieutenants Howell, Taylor and Wood; 64 men in line, and accompanied by the Roanoke Drum Corps of 20, under Drum-Major S. Walthall. Company I, of the Fourth Regiment. Company A, the Butle
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The honor roll of the University of Virginia, from the times-dispatch, December 3, 1905. (search)
n, D., Maj. Art., Va., Spotsylvania, Va., 1864. Weddell, V. L., Va. Wertenbaker, T. G., Va., Charlottesville, Va., 1862. West, J. N., La., Louisiana, 1865. Weyman, J. B., Ala., 1864. Wheatley, J. G., Va., 1864. Wheeler, C., Va., Little Rock, Ark. White, D. S., Texas, Panold, Miss., 1863. Wilson, R. C., Miss., 1863. Wilson, N. C., Va., Gettysburg, Pa., 1863. Wilson, T. D., Surg., S. C., Bishopville, S. C., 1865. Wimberly, F. E., Ga., Sharpsburg, Md., 1862. Wingfield, M. A., Ga., Macon, Ga., 1861. Winston, J. E., Va., Manassas, Va., 1862. Withers, A. J., Ala., Pensacola, Fla., 1861. Withers, J. T., Surg., W. Va., Richmond, Va., 1862. Wolfe, W. H., S. C., Congaree River, S. C. Wonack, G. W., La., Jonesboro, Ga., 1864. Wood, J. D., Capt., Va., Shiloh, Tenn. Wooding, G. W., Capt., Va., Chancellorsville, Va., 1862. Woodley, G. C., S. C., Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Woodson, J., Maj. and Q. M., Va., Lynchburg, Va., 1864. Worsham. P