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till peace came and came honorably to us. He declared these sentiments in a speech at a public meeting in Springfield, May 29, 1847. In the following December he took his seat in Congress. He was the only Whig from Illinois. His colleagues in the Illinois delegation were John A. McClernand, 0. B. Ficklin, William A. Richardson, Thomas J. Turner, Robert Smith, and John Wentworth. In the Senate Douglas had made his appearance for the first time. The Little Giant is always in sight! Robert C. Winthrop, of Massachusetts, was chosen Speaker. John Quincy Adams, Horace Mann, Caleb Smith, Alexander H. Stephens, Robert Toombs, Howell Cobb, and Andrew Johnson were important members of the House. With many of these the newly elected member from Illinois was destined to sustain another and far different relation. On the 5th of December, the day before the House organized, Lincoln wrote me a letter about our fee in a law-suit and reported the result of the Whig caucus the night before.
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 22: the secret service fund--charges against Webster, 1845-46. (search)
It would be a most embarrassing precedent, and one it would be unadvisable to establish and impracticable to follow. Mr. Winthrop, of Massachusetts, Mr. Seddon, of Virginia, and most of the conservative men of the House objected to calling for the secret papers as a dangerous precedent; but Mr. Winthrop said if any were called for, he wanted also those concerning Texas and Louisiana. T. Butler King and other men of national reputation spoke warmly against the resolutions. Seen in the lightlimits as it was, but refrained from venturing an opinion. With the memory of that time come reminiscences of Mr. Robert C. Winthrop and Mr. Bancroft--two men wholly different, yet both most interesting in their way. Mr. Winthrop's personnel boreMr. Winthrop's personnel bore up his elegance of manner bravely; his refinement was physical as well as mental and acquired. I never saw a woman who did not feel the implied compliment of his notice and a keen enjoyment of his society. His conversation was deliberate and unaf
rienced eye, offered comforting suggestions, and in fact seemed to diffuse a sense of relief and confidence about her. She said she was having her house painted, and feared the odor would injure the baby, or she would take him home with her. Throughout the long anxious night she sat calm and tender, doing what she could, and this was much. After thirty years this memory is clear and blessed to me, and her name has always been honored in our household. The Honorable William Appleton, Robert C. Winthrop, Caleb Cushing, Edward Everett, Colonel Charles Green, of The Post, Professor Pearce, Sidney Webster, and hundreds of others expressed their sympathy in the kindest manner. The happiest hours I spent in Boston were in Mr. Everett's library, looking over the editions de luxe in which it abounded, and hearing him talk about his travels. These reminiscences of Boston to this day soften all the asperities developed by our bloody war. Mr. Davis was invited to speak in Faneuil Hall by
e battery. A singular artillery battalion is now being organized at Richmond, Indiana. It is to consist of six hundred men, with one hundred guns; the guns to have the capacity of carrying a two-pound ball two and a half miles. A portion of the guns required by this battalion will be made in Richmond. They will be of steel barrels, and of very superior workmanship.--Louisville Journal, October 8. The Twenty-second regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Henry Wilson, Senator from Massachusetts, left their camp at Lynnfield and passed through Boston, en route for the seat of war. In Boston they were hospitably entertained by the city, and at the close of the repast were presented with a flag, the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop making the presentation speech.--(Doc. 72.) In the Admiralty Court at Portland, Me., Judge Ware delivered an able opinion, condemning the British schooner Wm. Arthur, seized on the ground that she intended to run the blockade.
t the time she slipped out. The Connecticut took possession of her as a prize. The Fortification Bill passed the United States House of Representatives to-day, appropriating an aggregate of five millions nine hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Among the appropriations were one hundred thousand dollars for Fort Knox, on Penobscot River; one hundred thousand dollars for fort on Hog Island, Portland harbor; seventy-five thousand dollars for Fort Warren, and fifty thousand dollars for For Winthrop, Boston harbor; one hundred thou sand dollars for the fort in New Bedford harbor. The appropriation also included the following for the year 1862: fifty thousand dollars for Fort Knox; fifty thousand dollars for Hog Island Fort; fifty thousand dollars for Fort Winthrop and exterior batteries ; fifty thousand dollars for fort at New Bedford; fifty thousand dollars for Fort Adams, Newport. The Seventy--sixth Regiment New York State Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Green, and two
rebels will be forced to surrender. A party of rebel cavalry, under the command of Captain White, entered Waterford, Va., early this morning, and captured a large portion of a company of National cavalry under Capt. Means. Capt. Means escaped.--The Nineteenth regiment of Maine volunteers, under the command of Col. Frederick D. Sewall, left Bath for the seat of war.--An enthusiastic war meeting was held at Boston, Mass., at which speeches were made by Gov. Andrew, Edward Everett, Robert C. Winthrop, Senator McDougal of California, and others.--Battle Creek, Ala., was evacuated by the Union army under General Buell. The battle of Kettle Run, near Bristow Station, Va., was this day fought by the Union forces under Gen. Hooker, and a division of the rebel army of Gen. Jackson, under Gen. Ewell. The engagement lasted for several hours, terminating only at dark, the rebels retreating with great loss.--(Doc. 104.) A great war meeting was held in the city of New York, at whic
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Platform Novelties. (search)
e Society was told by Dr. Malcolm that the Rebel States should be permitted to come in as Territories. The Young Men's Christian Association was entertained by many merited compliments to the virtues of New England soldiers, and condoled with in the repulse of Gen. Banks's division. The Address to the American Unitarian Association was by the Rev. William Henry Channing, and urged the unification of the various State institutions, by which we should be known as the Model Republic. Mr. Robert C. Winthrop, before the American Tract Society, managed to speak well of that brave and gallant son of Massachusetts, Gen. Banks, which we consider to have been the most extraordinary utterance of the whole week. At the Morning Prayer Meetings thanks were offered for the almost uniform success of our arms. The Church Anti-Slavery Society emphatically, in a series of eloquent resolutions, endorsed Gen. Hunter's Army Order, No. 11. The Home Missionary Society was cheered by the Rev. Mr. Jenki
151 Russell, William H158, 187 Repudiation of Northern Debts162 Red Bill, a New Orleans Patriarch318 Romilly, Sir Samuel828 Robertson, Dr., on Slavery803 Screws, Benjamin, Negro Broker8, 88 Society for Promoting National Unity186 Stevens, Alexander H148 Secession, The Ordinance of178 Slidell, Miss204 Secessionists, The Dissensions of219 St. Domingo, The Argument from326 Saulsbury, Senator334, 351 Tyler, John, his Diagnosis128 Times, The London158, 177, 309, 366, 374 Toombs, General, his Trials269 Thirty-Five, The Council of273 Taliaferro, Mr., his Defalcation316 Thugs in New Orleans318 University, a Southern Wanted61 Utopia, A. Slaveholding300 Van Buren, John44 Virginia, Democracy in185 Wise, Henry A.2, 95, 135, 155 Walker, William, his Letter to General Cass33, 35 Winslow, Hubbard136 Williams, Commander206 Winthrop, Robert C.248 Wood, Benjamin379, 383 Yeadon, Richard8 Young, Brigham358, 392
must hold the reins for the ensuing four years, and its decided ascendency in both Houses of the next Congress was already amply secured. There were the usual editorial thunderings; perhaps a few sermons, and less than half-adozen rather thinly-attended public meetings, mainly in Massachusetts, whereat ominous whispers may have been heard, that, if things were to go on in this way much longer, the Union would, or should, be dissolved. This covert menace was emphatically rebuked by Mr. Robert C. Winthrop, of Boston, speaking the sentiment of the great majority of leading Whigs. Our country, however, bounded, was declared by him entitled to his allegiance, and the object of his affections. The great majority, even of the murmurers, went on with their industry and their trade, their pursuits and their aspirations, as though nothing of special moment had happened. Yet it did not escape the regard of keen observers that our country had placed herself, by annexing Texas under the cir
ly opposed to its exercise there. The question of power is certainly as clear in respect to the Territories as it is in regard to the District; and, as to the Territories, my opinion was also made known in a still more solemn form, by giving the Executive approval required by the Constitution to the bill for the organization of the Territorial Government of Iowa, which prohibited the introduction of Slavery into that Territory. The XXXth Congress assembled December 6th, 1847, when Robert C. Winthrop (Whig), of Massachusetts, was chosen Speaker of the House by a majority of one; and, on the 28th of February ensuing, Mr. Harvey Putnam, of New York, having moved an independent resolve embodying the substance of the Wilmot Proviso, Mr. Richard Brodhead, of Pennsylvania, moved that the same do lie on the table, which prevailed — Yeas 105, Nays 93--twenty-five Democrats and one Native (L. C. Levin) from the Free States voting with the entire South to lay on the table; all the Whigs and
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