Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for O. J. Wise or search for O. J. Wise in all documents.

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From Gen. Wise's Legion We publish this morning an interesting letter from Charleston relative to the condition of things in the Kanawha Valley and Gen. Wise's proceedings. He is bent on reforming the Tories or punishing them as they deserve. He says no snakes shall lurk in the grass of the soil he is sent to defend. It is evident that the West and Northwest has been neglected too long. The Northwest might have been in a very different condition had some more prompt measures been takeGen. Wise's proceedings. He is bent on reforming the Tories or punishing them as they deserve. He says no snakes shall lurk in the grass of the soil he is sent to defend. It is evident that the West and Northwest has been neglected too long. The Northwest might have been in a very different condition had some more prompt measures been taken to check the traitors, Carlice & Co., and to arm the State Rights men. There would have been no burning and mading of the properly of true men now going on there.
espondence of the Richmond Dispatch. From the Kanawha Valley--Gen. Wise After the Tories — He Talks to a Preacher and Converts Him — He Worough military order, as I am informed by those who accompanied General Wise in a visit on Friday last. The state of public sentiment inll reclaim the most of it, and ultimately repossess it all. General Wise is pursuing no equivocal policy towards traitors. He has proclagh misled and woefully ignorant, was arrested by Captain Caskie. General Wise examined him, with a view to release or to hand him over to the oyalty in future to Virginia and the Confederate States, he shook Gen. Wise warmly by the hand, and left for his home in Clay. Since then weite Sulphur Rifles, from Monroe county. The Blues, under Captain O. J. Wise, are great favorites everywhere, and whenever they march throce writing the above, three more traitors have been brought in to Gen. Wise.--They are from Roane county, and one (Col. S. Ar Roberts) was a