Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 17, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for O. Jennings Wise or search for O. Jennings Wise in all documents.

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n. Elizabeth City (only partially burned) and Edenton have fallen into the hands of the vandals. Plymouth, also, it is reported, is taken; and it is expected that they will proceed up the Roanoke towards Weldon, for the purpose, of course, of getting possession of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad. The Confederate steamer Arrow arrived this morning from Currutuck, having communicated with a steamer sent down to Roanoke Island under a flag of truce. She brought up the bodies of Captain O. J. Wise, Lieut. Wm. Selden and Capt. Coles. Capt. Wise was pierced by three balls, and Lieut. Selden was shot through the head. The Yankees who saw Captain Wise during the fierce and unequal contest, declare that he displayed a gallantry and valor, never surprised. Alas, that he has fallen in a contest not unequal. But, who has fallen more honorably, more nobly? Young Selden, too, died at his gun, while gallantly fighting the enemy that had gathered in so superior numbers upon our shores.
Resolutions of respect to the memory of Capt. O. Jennings Wise. --The following preamble and resolutions, offered by Colonel Geo. W. Munford, were adopted on Friday last at the meeting of the Honorary Members of the Richmond Light Infantry Blues and friends of that company, held at Bosher's Hall, corner of 9th and Main streellen our company, have met together to deplore our loss and to encourage and aid the survisors. With mournful hearts we lament the death of our late Captain O. Jennings Wise, who fell in front of battle a noble and gallant officer. He was elected Captain, a stranger to us except by reputation, upon the repre sentation of thorop. new buds and fresh leaves may spring and flourish in continual verdure. Resolved, That we will attend in a body at the care and escort the remains of Capt. Wise to the Capitol, where it is to be placed until the interment; that the honorary members who have heretofore been officers shall act as pall-besrers. Resolv