Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 13, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wise or search for Wise in all documents.

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n ascertained that there was no quorum. Mr.Wise went on with his objections, when Mr.Morton remt the President could not entertain it. Mr.Wise contended that if there was no quorum present lt to be invited to send Commissioners." Mr. Wise moved to further amend the amendment by strikd one from the West of the Blue Ridge." Mr.Wise, in explaining his amendment, indulged in some n, Mr. S. briefly expressed his objections to Mr. Wise's amendment. Mr.Wise, in reply, criticizWise, in reply, criticized the position which Mr. Summers was assuming when the expiration of his allotted time compelled hibert H. Turner, Tyler Waller, Williams, Wilson, Wise, and Wysor.--53. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, full hearing in the proposed Congress. Mr. Wise regretted the amendment, for it came within the gentleman from Kanawha, (Mr. Summers.) He (Mr. Wise) was in favor of the white basis here at hometo vote and rejected — yeas 44, nays 76. Mr. Wise desired to move a necessary amendment to Mr. [3 more...]
ponents of the popular sentiment of Virginia. Mr. Wise viewed Mr. Scott's reply as an evasion. The 1st oe of all the talk here about sensation dispatches, Mr. Wise said he was now enabled to announce to this body, argument — he would be charged with the time. Mr. Wise said, then he would them, but would have them rea to the positions assumed by those gentlemen. Mr. Wise's amendment was voted down. Mr. Early, of Frar any Territorial Legislature South of said . Mr. Wise proposed to offer the following as a substitute foed by law south of that line. Debated by Messrs.Wise and Robert Y. Conrad. Mr. Morton moved to amend Mr. Wise's amendment by striking out the last sentence--"In all territory which may hereafter be acquired," &c. Debated by Messrs. Morton and Wise, and rejected. The question recurred on Mr, Wise's motion to strikeWise's motion to strike out, and was decided in the negative — yeas 27; nays 84. Mr. Ambler, of Louisa, moved to strike out the