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re was no doubt a mistake in the name of the officer. It should have been Colonel Tyler. This is the Colonel Tyler about whom there was an editorial notice in yesterday's Dispatch, We think the announcement every way probable. We learn that Governor Wise, with a part of his brigade, marched some days since in the direction of Summerville, in Nicholas county, some thirty miles distant, in a northwestern direction, from the main Kanawha turnpike, along which Gen. Floyd was proceeding with his army. Tyler was known to be in Nicholas, at or near Summerville. It was reported that there were 2,000 Federalists in Nicholas. We hope it is true that the Confederates under General Wise have whipped these invaders under the sharper in furs — this Col. Tyler. The mail of to day which comes through from the West, will probably bring no intelligence explaining more fully the brief announcement from Cincinnati. When upon Federal authority it is announced that a Federal Colonel has been "ba
n our rear, and we could not reject the alternative of retreat. General Wise had information as to the well-matured plan of locking him up ines this morning that Gen. Cox has taken possession of Gauley Bridge, Wise having retreated in haste, leaving behind him one thousand muskets, ched to Bulltown from Beverly was intended to out off the retreat of Wise; but if so, this piece of 'strategy' has proved a failure." Hoas imbued with this idea of trapping, and capturing, or annihilating Wise and his rebels, will appear from the following extract from the lettng the river at this place. Col. Tyler here received a message that Wise and his force were headed off by Gen. Cox; he therefore made preparations for an attack from Wise," &c., &c. From the same mail, captured between Summersville and Sutton by a cavalry force, which, by mounhe wound through his lungs. They moaned piteously all night, and Gen. Wise himself rose once to give them water. They are receiving every a
fired upon by a party of rebel cavalry, and one of the guard, named John Debolt, from Fayette co., Pa., was killed. Another, Henry Brooks, was wounded. The attacking party was in too strong force to be resisted, and Capt. Sprague, with two others, were captured. One man escaped and brought the intelligence. Capt. Sprague commanded Company E, of the 7th, and is well known throughout Northern Ohio. The cavalry company who attacked and took prisoner Capt. Sprague, are said to belong to Ex-Gov. Wise's command. The Federal loss at the battle near Springfield. An official table of the Federal killed, wounded and missing, at the late battle near Springfield, Mo., foots up as follows: Killed, 228; wounded, 721; missing, 291. Nearly all of the missing were taken prisoners by the Confederates, but they have been released, with the exception of the officers, and have either arrived in camp or are still under way. Some say they had to take the oath, and others say they had not. In