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Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died.. You can also browse the collection for Wolseley or search for Wolseley in all documents.

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433 Winthrop, Theodore, 25, 33 Wira, Henry, 433 Wire, Joseph, 433 Wise, G. S., 489 Wise, H. A., 489 Wiseman, Robert, 433 Wiswell, J. H., 560 Witham, Burrill, 560 Witherell, C. J., 433 Witherill, A. M., 560 Witherill, O., 560 Withern, William, 489 Withington, Alanson, 433 Withington, James, 433 Wixon, A. F., 433 Wixon, B. F., 489 Woffenden, J. W., 560 Wolcott, —, 560 Wolcott, G. M., 433 Wolcott, J. B., 434 Wolf, Joseph, 489 Wolf, Michael, 434 Wolfendale, Levi, 560 Wolseley, Lord, 142 Wommelstorf, Henry, 560 Wood, A. W., 560 Wood, Albert, 434 Wood, C. W., 560 Wood, Charles, 23d Mass. Inf., 488 Wood, Charles, 85th Mass. Inf., 560 Wood, E. A., 152 Wood, F. J., 434 Wood, George, 560 Wood, J. D. G., 495 Wood, J. H., 434 Wood, Joseph, 434 Wood, L. L., 563 Wood, M. B., 563 Wood, Moses, 434 Wood, N. G., 434 Wood, Pliny, 489 Wood, S. P., 434 Wood, Simeon, 561 Wood, Thomas, 434 Woodbury, B. A., 561 Woodbury, Elijah, 434 Woodbury, H. H., 561 Woodbur