Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Fernando Wood or search for Fernando Wood in all documents.

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Jan. 25. A large Union mass meeting was held at Portland, Me., this evening; Chief Justice Shepley presided, and the meeting was addressed by many of the ablest speakers of all parties. Union resolutions were passed. A correspondence between Senator Toombs, of Georgia, and Fernando Wood, mayor of New York, relative to the seizure of arms by the police of that city, creates comment and surprise.--(Doc. 26.)
ing been filled with citizens who have apparently left their business to gather at Headquarters, and watch eagerly the progress of events. The spirit of the masses is decidedly aroused, and from present indications Albany will be behind no city in the State or Union in evincing her patriotism and her determination, as the crisis has come, to stand firmly by the Government of the country, without pausing to charge upon any the responsibility of the present terrible events.--Tribune. Fernando Wood, Mayor of New York, issued a proclamation, calling upon the people of the city to avoid turbulence and excitement, and to rally to the restoration of the Constitution and Union.--(Doc. 58.) An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Cleveland, Ohio. Speeches were made by Senator Wade and other prominent gentlemen. Resolutions were adopted to sustain the Government, approving of the President's call for volunteers, recommending the Legislature to make appropriations of men and money
ir old positions in the suburbs of the city. The regiments affected by this order are the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-second Pennsylvania; the Thirteenth and Twentieth New York, and Eighth Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts battery of light artillery. The soldiers will not be permitted to visit the city without permission, and then must leave their arms in camp.--Baltimore American, July 10. This afternoon, a gold medal, ordered by the citizens of New York, was presented by Mayor Wood to Brigadier-General Anderson, through his friend, John C. Murray, who was deputed to receive it on his behalf.--N. Y. Evening Post, July 10. The Thirty-third Regiment, New York Volunteers, commanded by Col. R. F. Taylor, numbering 859 men, passed through Baltimore to-day.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, July 11. Daniel S. Dickinson delivered an address at Amherst College, on the present state of affairs in the United States. It is replete with the customary vigor of its distingui
intrenched in the Academy buildings. The rebels, 1,200 strong, were grouped over theo prairie, out of reach (of Col. Smith's rifles. They had two pieces of artillery, which were brought to bear, but the distance was so great that the balls were almost spent before reaching the lines. Col. Smith's artillery was of longer range, and did considerable execution. The fight lasted until dusk, and the last shot from the Federal side dismounted one of the rebels' guns. Just at that imminent Governor Wood, of Illinois, fell on their rear with the cavalry sent from Quincy and completely routed them, taking seventy-five prisoners, one gun, and a large number of horses. About twenty or thirty rebels were killed. Not one of the Unionists was killed, although several were severely wounded. General Tom Harris, the rebel leader, escaped.--Chicago Tribune, July 12. The New Orleans Delta, of this day, says that further persistence of the Confederate States in the endeavor to obtain the rec
. 201.) The Convention of Western Virginia passed the ordinance creating a State, reported by the select committee on a division of the State, this morning, by a vote of fifty to twenty-eight. The boundary as fixed includes the counties of Logan, Wyoming, Raleigh, Fayette, Nicholas, Webster, Randolph, Tucker, Preston, Monongahela, Marion, Taylor, Barbour, Upshur, Harrison, Lewis, Braxton, Clay, Kanawha, Boone, Wayne, Cabell, Putnam, Mason, Jackson, Roane, Calhoun, Wirt, Gilmer, Ritchie, Wood, Pleasants, Tyler, Doddridge, Wetzel, Marshall, Ohio, Brooke, and Hancock. A provision was incorporated permitting certain adjoining counties to come in if they should desire, by expression of a majority of their people to do so. The ordinance also provides for the election of delegates to a Convention to form a constitution; at the same time the question for a new State or against a new State shall be submitted to the people within the proposed boundary. The election is to be held on the 2
The loss of the rebels was not ascertained.--N. Y. Herald, February 26. The Twelfth regiment of Connecticut volunteers, under the command of Colonel Henry C. Deming, left New Haven for the seat of war at Ship Island, Gulf of Mexico. Cols. Wood, of the Fourteenth New York, Lee, of the Twentieth Massachusetts, and Cogswell, of the Tammany regiment, (N. Y. S. V.,) arrived at Baltimore from Fortress Monroe, having been released by the rebels. Colonel Wood, who was present at the inaugurColonel Wood, who was present at the inauguration of Jeff. Davis, states that there was no enthusiasm manifested on the occasion. Bishop Thomas F. Davis, of the Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Church of South-Carolina, now in session at Charleston, has pronounced an address, in which he states that prior Conventions of the Church in the Confederate States had declared that we were no longer, as a Church, in administrative union with the Church in the United States. --N. Y. Times, February 25. An expedition, composed of four
by superior speed.--(Doc. 97.) A short time since, anticipating rebel movements in Texas County, Missouri, Gen. Halleck ordered five companies of troops and two light steel six-pounders, mounted on two wheels and drawn by two horses, under Col. Wood, to repair to that vicinity. Finding no enemy there, Col. Wood pushed on to Salem, Fulton County, Arkansas, where he encountered a largely superior force of rebels, and after a sharp fight routed them, killing about one hundred and taking manyCol. Wood pushed on to Salem, Fulton County, Arkansas, where he encountered a largely superior force of rebels, and after a sharp fight routed them, killing about one hundred and taking many prisoners, among whom were three colonels. The National loss was about twenty-five.--(Doc. 98.) The ship Emily St. Pierre, was this day captured off Charleston, S. C., by the vessels of the United States blockading fleet. She had a full cargo of gunnies, and was ostensibly bound to St. John's, New Brunswick. She showed no colors, nor was any national ensign found on board. A few moments before she was boarded they were observed to throw over the stern a small package, which immediatel
Lieut. Chambers was wounded severely, and afterward died. Lieut. Baker and Lieut. P. McGrath, were also killed.--Denver News, Extra, April 9. Col. Kennett's cavalry, accompanied by seventy-five mounted men from Loomis's battery, returned to Murfreesboroa, Tenn., from an expedition through the country for many miles south and southeast of that place. During the expedition they penetrated as far as Shelbyville and Talahome. Between these places they fell in with about three hundred of Wood's rebel cavalry, who, as soon as they saw the troops, charged boldly down through a piece of woods toward them. No sooner did Col. Kennett's men perceive the enemy coming, thinking them in good earnest, they drew out in battle array, and advanced rapidly to meet them. But before they got within gunshot, the hearts of the rebels failed them; quickly as they could, they checked the career of their horses, turned tail and fled from the field, leaving behind them seven dead and several wounded
icting upon the Unionists a loss of five killed and sixteen wounded, all of them cavalry, including Lieut. Decker, of the Harris cavalry, killed; Col. Fitzpatrick, wounded, and a valuable scout, named Britten, badly wounded. Col. Bayard's horse was badly wounded under him. Immediately after making their escape across the Rappahannock bridge, opposite Fredericksburgh, the rebels applied the torch to it, and thus temporarily delayed progress into the town.--(Doc. 143.) In the afternoon, Lieut. Wood, of Gen. King's staff, Lieut. Campbell, Fourth artillery, and Major Duffie, of the Harris light cavalry, crossed the Rappahannock under a flag of truce, and communicated with the municipal authorities of the city. The City Councils had called a meeting immediately after the appearance of the forces, and appointed a committee consisting of the Mayor, Mr. Slaughter, three members from each Board, and three citizens, to confer with Gen. Augur relative to the occupation of Fredericksbu
July 1. At New York City a meeting was held this evening at the Cooper Institute, in response to a call addressed to those who desired the Union as it was, and the Constitution as it is. Speeches were made by Mr. Wickliffe of Kentucky, Wm. A. Duer, James Brooks, and Fernando Wood. The battle of Malvern Hill, Va., the last of the seven days contests during the retreat of General McClellan, was fought this day. The National troops were successful, repulsing the rebels at every point.--(Doc. 78 and Supplement.) A battle was fought at Booneville, Miss., by a body of Union troops under Colonel Sheridan, of the Second Michigan cavalry, and a force of the rebels consisting of parts of eight regiments, numbering in all about four thousand seven hundred men. After seven hours hard fighting, Colonel Sheridan succeeded in defeating the rebels with great loss. They left sixty-five dead on the field. The loss on the Union side was forty-one killed, wounded, and missing. Pr