Your search returned 24 results in 12 document sections:

Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Fort Fisher, N. C.: January 13-15, 1865. (search)
er W. Burdett. Shenandoah, 71 men, Lieut. S. W. Nichols. Ticonderoga, 60 men, Ensign G. W. Coffin (w). Tuscarora, 60 men, Lieut. Com. W. N. Allen (w). Kansas, 20 men, Act. Ens. Williams. Pequot, 44 men, Act. Ens. G. Lamb. Yantic, 45 men, Act. Ens. J. C. Lord. Chippewa, 24 men, Act. Ens. G. H. Wood. Huron, 34 men, Lieut.-Com. T. O. Selfridge. Seneca, 29 men, Lieut.-Com. M. Sicard. Iosco, 44 men, Act. Ens. W. Jameson. Mackinaw, 45 men, Acting Master A. J. Louch (w). Maratanza, 51 men, Acting Master J. B. Wood (w). Osceola, 39 men, Act. Ens. J. F. Merry (w). Pawtuxet, 40 men (estimated), Act. Ens. J. A. Slamm. Pontoosuc, 42 men, Act. Ens. L. R. Chester (w). Sassacus, 37 men, Act. Ens. W. H. Mayer. Tacony, 32 men, Act. Ens. J. B. Taney. Fort Jackson, 69 men, Lieut. S. H. Hunt. Monticello, 41 men, Lieut. W. B. Cushing. Nereus, 61 men, Act. Ens. E. G. Dayton. Rhode Island, 47 men, Lieut. F. R. Smith. Santiago de Cuba, 53 men, Lieut. N. H. Farquhar. Vanderbilt, 70 men (estimated), Act. V. Lie
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 34: (search)
Loring; Assistant Engineers, J. H. Bailey, E. J. Whittaker, Alfred Colin, L. A. Haverly, T. W. Rae and G. W. Thorn; Acting-Masters, D. A. Campbell,W. G. Saltonstall and Wm. Wright; Boatswain, Paul Atkinson; Gunner, C. W. Homer; Carpenter, Ebenezer Thompson; Sailmaker, A. A. Warren. Steamer Maratanza. Commander, G. H. Scott; Lieutenant-Commander, Wm P. McCann; Assistant Surgeon, Job Corbin; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, C. S. Perley; Acting-Masters, Charles Cortney, Jacob Kimball and J. B. Wood, Jr.; Acting-Engineers, Edward Scattergood, Wm. H. Kilpatrick, L. H. Harvey and R. L. Webb; Acting-Master's Mates, J. Creighton and E. W. Flowers. Steamer Morse. Acting-Masters, Peter Hayes and G. W. Caswell; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Henry Russell, Acting-Assistant Engineers, Thomas Divine, Tim. Flanders and George West; Acting-Master's Mates, William Dunne and C. E. Rich. Iron-clad Monitor. Commanders, John L. Worden, Wm. N. Jeffers and T. H. Stevens [commanding at different
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 35: operations of the North Atlantic Squadron, 1863. (search)
orace Dexter, W. F. Halsall and Matthew Crimmen; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, J. W. Storms; Acting-Second-Assistants, Warren Ewen and W. J. Howard; Acting-Third-Assistants, J. H. Mathews, W. J. Barrington and H. S. Short; Boatswain, J. H. Downs; Acting-Gunner, J. C. Clapham. Steamer Maratanza. Commander, Gustavus H. Scott; Lieutenant-Commander, Chas. S. Norton; Assistant Surgeon, Job Corbin; Assistant Paymaster, C. S. Perley; Acting-Masters, Chas. Courtney, Jacob Kimball and J. B. Wood, Jr.; Acting-Ensigns, J. C. Gibney and Geo. Smith; Acting-Master's Mate, Henry Wheeler; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, C. L. Carty; Second-Assistant, Edward Scattergood; Third-Assistants, W. H. Kilpatrick, L. R. Harvey and R. L. Webb. Steamer State of Georgia. Commander, James F. Armstrong; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, W. W. Myers; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, T. H. Haskell; Acting-Masters, J. S. Rogers and A. D. Littlefield; Acting-Ensigns, David Mason and N. Broughton; Acting-Master'
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 40: (search)
G. W. Williams and E. D. Pettingill; Acting-Master's Mates, Isaac Hallock and H. C. Robertson; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, B. F. Beckett; Acting-Second-Assistant, F. E. Porter; Acting-Third-Assistants, D. J. Lanahan, J. H. Hopkins, Wm. Ellis, W. A. Steinrook and Wm. McComb; Acting-Gunner, James Addison. Steamer Maratanza. Lieutenant Commander, Milton Haxtun; Assistant Surgeon, D. D. Gilbert; Assistant Paymaster, C. S. Perley; Acting-Masters, Chas. Courtney. Jacob Kimball and J. B. Wood; Acting-Ensign, R. D. Eldridge; Acting-Master's Mates, A. F. Williamson and G. E. Chipman; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, C. L. Carty; Second-Assistant, Edw. Scattergood; Third-Assistants, W. H. Kilpatrick, L. R. Harvey and R. L. Webb. Steam gun-boat Miami. Lieutenant-Commander, Chas. W. Flusser; Acting-Masters, W. N. Wells and John Lear; Acting-Ensigns, J. W. Bennett and T. G. Hargis; Assistant Surgeon, Wm. B. Mann; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, F. W. Hackett; Engineers: Third-Ass
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 50: Second attack on Fort Fisher. (search)
James Addison. *Kansas--Fourth-rate. Lieutenant-Commander, P. G. Watmough; Acting-Masters, Samuel Hall, E. S. Goodwin and W. S. Folson; Acting-Ensigns, G. C. Williams, C. D. Thompson and C. B. Staples; Assistant Surgeon, Isaac Poole; Assistant Paymaster, T. Merritt; Engineers: Acting Second-Assistant, Hugh Rafferty; Acting-Third-Assistants, J. W. Stott, G. L. King and George B. Stone. *Maratanza--Third-rate. Lieutenant Commander, G. W. Young; Acting-Masters, D. E. Taylor and J. B. Wood, Jr.; Acting-Ensigns, J. W. Crowell, H. H. Collamore and E. Lawson; Acting-Master's Mates, W. H. Alger, A. F. Williamson,George E. Chipman and C H. Crossman; Acting Assistant-Surgeon, J. W. Hamilton; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, C. H. Noyes; Engineers: Second-Assistants, W. H. Kilpatrick and R. L. Webb; Third-Assistants, L. R. Harvey and R. D. Taylor; Acting-Third-Assistants, E. J. Gillespie and J. L. Starkey; Acting Gunner, W. W. Bradley. *Maumee--Fourth-rate. Lieutenant Commander, Ral
e would cheerfully undertake the mission, if the Convention thought proper to confer it upon him; and he would return, too. Mr. Carlile's second amendment was then voted down, and the preamble and resolution were adopted. Mr. Jackson, of Wood, said he had not understood the question, and moved a reconsideration, he having neglected to vote. The President said the vote could be taken over again by general consent. Mr. Jackson then vehemently opposed the preamble and resolutionhe and his constituents consent to relinquish the stars and stripes and join with South Carolina. He did not object to a Middle Confederacy. Mr. Montague followed, commenting upon the singular declaration made by the venerable gentleman from Wood. He called upon Eastern men to take note of the fact. Mr. Marr, of Fauquier, moved the previous question, which was sustained; and the rule allowing any member to relieve his mind for a period of ten minutes, before putting the main question
vening, by a series of resolutions offered by Mr.Preston,of Montgomery, a strong Union man. These resolutions deny the right of the Federal Government to subjugate a State, and call uponLincolnto show his hand with regard to his future policy; also, provide for the appointment of a committee to wait upon that Black Republican functionary to request him to communicate his intentions to the Convention. The resolutions were modified, at the suggestion of Mr.Baldwin,and passed; but Mr.Jackson,of Wood, claimed that the question had been misunderstood, and it was agreed to take the vote over again. Mr.Jacksonmade a speech, in which he declared that neither he nor his constituents would, under any circumstances, join with South Carolina. This declaration was taken hold of by Mr.Montague as foreshadowing that Eastern men could hope for no encouragement from that quarter. The feelings of the members were gradually working up to a high pitch, when an adjournment was carried, with the expecta
H. A. Tupper, Ga.; L. B. Lane, Ala.; J. H. Martin, Miss.; R. C. Burleson, Texas; P. S. G. Watson, Ark.; J. E. Welch, Mo.; A. D. Sears, Ky.; M. Hillsman, Tenn.; G. W. Samson, D. C.; J. E. Broome, Fla.; F. Courtney, La.; J. B. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; A. M. Poindexter, Corresponding Secretary; Edwin Wortham, Treasurer; Wm. H. Gwathmey, Recording Secretary; C. T. Wortham, Auditor, Board of Managers; R. Ryland. Wellington Goddin, C. H. Winston, E. J. Willis, J. S. Coleman, A. P. Fox, J. B. Wood, A. Snead, F. J. Barnes, L. W. Seely, H. K. Ellyson, D. Shaver, J. B. Solomon, Jesse F. Keesee, A. G. Wortham. Domestic Mission Board, located at Marion, Alabama.--W. H. McIntosh, President. Vice Presidents; F. Wilson, Md.; T. G. Keen, Va.; W. Hooper, N. C.; J. R. Kendrick, S. C.; J. H. DeVotie, Ga.; P. H. Lundy, Ala.; T. C. Teasdale, Miss.; S. Houston, Texas; S. Halyburton, Ark.; Wm. Crowell, Mo.; D. R. Campbell, Ky.; J. M. Pendleton, Tenn.; T. U. Walter, D. C.; J. K. Mendenhall, Fl
94. The Committee on place and preacher for next meeting, selected Richmond, and Rev. W. D. Thomas, of Warrenton, to preach the opening sermon. Rev. W. Slate reported in behalf of the Committee on Nomination of New Boards, and as this is an important report I send you a copy: State Mission Board,Richmond.--Jas. B. Taylor, President; L. W. Seeley, 1st Vice-President; William Fisher, 2d Vice-President; H. K. Ellyson, Corresponding Secretary; J. E. Burress, Recording Secretary; J. B. Wood, Treasurer; A. M. Balley, Auditor. Other Managers--Joel B. Watkins, William M Young, William Sands, E. W. Roach, Miles Turkin, J. B. Jeter, A. Broaddus, H. W. Dodge, A. P. Fox, Napoleon Burke, Francis J. Barnes, J. C. Williams. J. L. Burrows, Charles S. Cocke, Jos. H. Fox, H. H. Wyer, T. W. Sydnor, W. P. Farish, J. F. Keesee, J. H. Cocke, John M. Murray. E. J. Willis, R. H. Bagby. David Shaver, William Forbes, Josiah Dabbs, T. G. Keen, F. M. Barker, M. W. Reed, J. B. Henderson. Sund
lso attended in large numbers.--There were present from this city the Rev. Drs. Burrows, Jeter, and Ryland; Revs, Jos. Walker, Harrison Williams, and Poindexter; Prof. Dabney, of Richmond College; A. H. Sands, Esq., Dr. Geo. B. Streel, and Messrs. J. B. Wood, John Turpin, Wm. Tyree, Jesse Williams, and perhaps others. Dr. Ryland was chosen Moderator, and W. H. Fonerden Clerk. Among the other interesting proceedings was the ceremony of setting apart to the ministry the Rev. A. P. Woodlin, son not remember. Excellent addresses were delivered upon the subjects of colportage and missions, and especially in regard to the foreign missionary operations of the Church in China and Africa. The Circular Letter to the Churches was read by Mr. J. B. Wood, of Richmond, who was appointed at the last session of the Association to prepare it. That it was well written and well read, ve, who know the author's ability to perform the task, have not a doubt. The church at Ashland, where the Assoc