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Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 15: (search)
e dictated notes from which I was to write letters to each of these men and forward to him the unsigned letters with an addressed envelope for each. Mr. Daniel Shepherd, then secretary of the Senate military committee, was to forward the letters after General Logan had read and signed them. After he had reached Chicago and entered earnestly into the fight, General Logan continued to send me lists and directions as to what to write. By reference to my diary I find that with the help of Miss Woodruff, our stenographer, we wrote on an average about fifty letters per day from the time General Logan went to Chicago until after the State convention. I hunted up also much information in the Congressional Library and from The Globe. I was busy all the time with matters which then seemed important, and which I now realize were vital and were a training which has been of incalculable value to me during the years since those eventful political times. On May 22, after obtaining a suitable
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 11: Kentucky. (search)
who raised companies to serve in the field, despairing of obtaining commissions, arms, and active duty from Governor Magoffin, quietly departed to obtain enlistment in the various rebel camps of the South. On the other hand, there were many unconditional Unionists in Kentucky who openly scouted the policy of neutrality, and who from the first were eager that the Government should begin enlistments and gather an armed force to support the Union sentiment in the State. Colonels Guthrie and Woodruff opened a recruiting office on the Ohio side of the river, and as early as May 6th mustered two regiments into service, nominally as the First and Second Kentucky Volunteers, though in reality the men were principally from Ohio and Indiana. Notwithstanding the contumacious refusals of the Governors of the Border Slave States, President Lincoln was not disposed to give up those States as lost. We have seen that, both in Maryland and Missouri, he authorized direct enlistments under the su
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
nce, 142 Virginia, West, 131, 133, 137, 141; vote on Secession Ordinance, 142; organized as separate State, 144 et seq.; map of West Virginia battles, 148; admitted into the Union, 154 Volunteers, first enlistment of, 75; new, called for, 106 W. Walker, Secretary, 57, 91 Walker, Robert J., 76 Ward, Capt., U. S. N., 38 Warrenton Turnpike, the, 176 Washington, 83; character of, 97; defence of, 98 et seq.; threatened, 101; arrival of the Massachusetts Sixth and New York Seventh regiments at, 103 et seq.; becomes a camp, 106 et seq. Washington, Fort, 102 West Union, W. Va, 151 Wheeling, 139, 142 et seq. Wigfall, Senator, 68 Willcox, General O. B., 174 Williamsport, Pa, 157 Williamsport, W. Va., 162 Winchester, Va., 157, 160 Wise, ex-Governor Henry A., 146, 154 Wood, Mayor, Fernando, 71, 76 Woodbury, Captain, cited, 195 Woodruff, Colonel, 131 Y. Young's Branch, 183 Z. Zollicoffer, General, 135 Zouaves, Ellsworth's, 110
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 140 (search)
g very close here, we had several casualties. On the night of the 3d, the regiment being on skirmish line, repelled an advance of the enemy. On the 4th we again moved to the left. The enemy falling back the night of the 5th, we passed through his works on the following morning, and moved in the direction of Acworth, going into camp some two miles to the southwest of it. After three days rest we again moved out, and next skirmished with the enemy on the 11th. On the 13th Company B, Lieutenant Woodruff commanding, advanced the skirmish line, capturing 6 prisoners. The skirmishing here for several days was kept up with great vigor on both sides. Scarcely a day passed but that some were killed or wounded. In the advance of the line on the 19th it was found the enemy had taken to his main works on Kenesaw Mountain and around Marietta. Our line was formed at the base of the mountain, where we remained until the night of the 25th, subjected to a continuous shelling from the rebel batt
regiment of artillery, in this charge. Our success in driving the enemy from the field is due, in a great measure, to the highly efficient manner in which the battery was handled by Lieutenant A. C. M. Pennington, assisted by Lieutenants Clark, Woodruff, and Hamilton. The enemy made but slight demonstration against us during the remainder of the day, except in one instance he attempted to turn my left flank, which attempt was most gallantly met and successfully frustrated by Second Lieutenant t fire from the enemy's battery. Colonel Gray, commanding the regiment, was constantly seen wherever his presence was most needed, and is deserving of special mention. I desire to commend to your favorable notice Lieutenants Pennington, Clark, Woodruff, and Hamilton, of battery M, Second artillery, for the zeal and ability displayed by each on this occasion. My thanks are personally due to the following named members of my staff, who on many occasions exhibited remarkable gallantry in transmi
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
was to be given, and he judiciously posted artillery in reserve under Colonel R. O. Tyler. the batteries of Bancroft, Dilger, Eakin, Wheeler, Hill, and Taft, under Major Osborne, were placed in the Cemetery, where the kind and thoughtful General Howard had caused the tombstones, and such monuments as could possibly be moved, to be laid flat on the ground, to prevent their being injured by shot and shell. On the left of the Cemetery, near Zeigler's Grove, were Hancock's batteries, under Woodruff, Brown, Cushing, Arnold, and Rorty, commanded by Captain Hazzard. Next to these, on the left, was Thomas's battery, with those of Thompson, Phillips, Hart, Rauth, Dow, Ames, and Sterling, under McGilvray, in reserve. On the extreme left were the batteries of Gibbs and Hazlett, the latter now commanded by Lieutenant Rittenhouse. at midday there was an ominous silence, during which General Lee entered Pennsylvania College building, which he was using for a hospital, ascended to the cupo
G. S. Hillard, Life and Campaigns of George B. McClellan, Major-General , U. S. Army, Appendix. Oration at West Point. (search)
y doing his duty. No regiments can spare such gallant, devoted, and able commanders as Rossell, Davis, Gove, Simmons, Bailey, Putnam, and Kingsbury,--all of whom fell in the thickest of the combat,--some of them veterans, and others young in service, all good men and well-beloved. Our batteries have partially paid their terrible debt to fate in the loss of such commanders as Greble, the first to fall in this war, Benson, Hazzard, Smead, de Hart, Hazlitt, and those gallant boys, Kirby, Woodruff, Dimmick, and Cushing; while the engineers lament the promising and gallant Wagner and cross. Beneath remote battle-fields rest the corpses of the heroic McRea, Reed, Bascom, Stone, sweet, and many other company officers. Besides these were hosts of veteran sergeants, corporals, and privates, who had fought under Scott in Mexico, or contended in many combats with the savages of the far West and Florida, and, mingled with them, young soldiers who, courageous, steady, and true, met deat
return fugitive slaves. After a strenuous effort to rule this out of order, as precluded by the resolve before quoted, a vote was taken on a motion of Mr. Mallory, of Ky., that it do he on the table; which was negatived: Yeas 66; Nays 81. Mr. Lovejoy's resolve was then adopted: Yeas 92; Nays 55; [the Yeas all Republicans; Nays, all the Democrat and Border-State conservatives, with Messrs. Sheffield, of R. I., Fenton, of N. Y., Horton, of Ohio, Wm. Kellogg, of Ill., Nixon, of N. J., and Woodruff, of Conn.] On the 10th, Mr. Clark, of N. H., proposed, and on the 11th the Senate adopted, the following: Whereas, a conspiracy has been formed against the peace, union, and liberties of the People and Government of the United States; and, in furtherance of such conspiracy, a portion of the people of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Texas, have attempted to withdraw those States from the Union, and are now in arms against the Governme
es, however, the losses represent a long series of battles in which they rendered effective service, and participated with honor to themselves and the arm of the service to which they belonged. Among the light batteries of the Regular Army, equally heavy losses occurred in the following famous commands: B - 4th U. S. Artillery - Gibbon's or Stewart's.     K - 4th U. S. Artillery - Derussey's or Seeley's.     I - 1st U. S. Artillery - Ricketts' or Kirby's or Woodruff's. D - 5th U. S. Artillery - Griffin's or Hazlitt's.     C - 5th U. S. Artillery - Seymour's or Ransom's or Weir's. H - 5th U. S. Artillery - Gunther's or Burnham's.     A & C 4th U. S. Artillery - Hazzard's or Cushing's or Thomas'. The foregoing pages show accurately the limit of loss in the various regimental organizations in the civil war. The figures will probably fall below the prevalent idea as to the number killed in certain regiment
At Gettysburg, young Cushing shouts to his general that he will give them one shot more, and falls dead as Pickett's men surge up to the muzzles of his pieces. Of the noted batteries mentioned in the accompanying list of casualties, Kern, Woodruff, Burnham, Hazzard, DeHart, Dimmick, Rorty, Hazlitt, Leppien, McGilvery, Geary (of Knap's), Simonson, Erickson and Whitaker (of Bigelow's)--were killed in action. When closely pressed by a charge of the enemy, the gunners, though unarmed, woulBrown's B, 1st Rhode Island Gettysburg 7 19 2 28 Dillon's -- 6th Wisconsin Corinth 5 21 -- 26 Kern's G, Appears twice in this list. 1st Pennsylvania Manassas 3 23 8 34 Houghtaling's C, 1st Illinois Stone's River 5 20 -- 25 Woodruff's I, 1st United States Gettysburg 1 24 -- 25 Turnbull's F & K, 3d United States Gettysburg 9 14 1 24 Bush's -- 4th Indiana Stone's River 5 19 -- 24 Edgerton's E, 1st Ohio Stone's River 3 20 25 48 Adams's G, 1st Rhode Island
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