Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Woolfolk or search for Woolfolk in all documents.

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rth Star.--National Intelligencer, Nov. 26. A secessionist in Paducah, Ky., by the name of Woolfolk, hung a secession flag out of his window to-day, as some of the National troops were passing bye sent his aide-de-camp with a squad of men to order the traitorous flag to be taken in, and if Woolfolk refused, then to take it in, and erect the Stars and Stripes over his house. Woolfolk, knowingWoolfolk, knowing that General Smith was senior officer, refused to obey General Wallace's order, whereupon Wallace's aid forcibly took down the rebel flag, and hoisted the Stars and Stripes in its stead. In the mean time Woolfolk having appealed to General Smith, the latter sent his aid, Lieutenant Price, to order General Wallace to have the Stars and Stripes taken down from Woolfolk's house. Wallace refused ag should not be taken down while there was a live man in his brigade. Wallace's aid said that Woolfolk should sleep under a loyal flag one night, anyhow; Smith's aid replied he did not consider that