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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
illery having expended nearly all of its ammunition, and having one gun disabled and many men killed and wounded, Colonel Walton requested that his battalion (the Washington Artillery) should be relieved by a portion of Alexander's battalion. Woolfolk's battery of four guns, with a section of Jordan's under Lieutenant Smith, and three guns under Captain Moody, were accordingly moved up in a ravine close in rear of the Washington Artillery, which now vacated the pits, and cleared the way for temper's brigade, the remainder of the brigade being moved to the crest of the hill over the Telegraph road. The three remaining guns of Maurin's battery were relieved by Moody's and Jordan's pieces, till then in reserve, and four of Moody's and Woolfolk's guns, which had relieved the Washington Artillery, having exhausted their ammunition The supply of artillery ammunition in the ordnance trains was not sufficient to replenish the expenditures of this day. A quantity was shipped from Richmon