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Your search returned 4 results in 2 document sections:
Left my premises on Union
, the night of the 21st of the present month, (September,) my negro woman Isabella, who is of a light gingerbread color, about nineteen years old, and a scar on her breast.
Also, carrying off her child, a very bright mulatto, about seven months old. Said woman has a very pleasant countenance, and speaks very quickly when spoken to. I will give a reward of one hundred dollars if negroes are caught in the city of Richmond; two hundred dollars if caught in the county of Henrico, and five hundred dollars if caught in any other county, or out of the State of Virginia, and delivered to me or Messrs. Smith & Co., on Franklin street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Rebecca Wootters.
P. S.--The said woman was purchased last August twelve months of Mr. George Watt, as agent for John Haw, of Hanover county, to which place she is supposed to have gone, or otherwise trying to make her escape to the Yankee lines. R. W. 23--2t*