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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25.. You can also browse the collection for John Worster or search for John Worster in all documents.

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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Medford Ship building Notes (search)
80 tons 1858ShipNautilus550 tons 1858BarqueCurib212 tons 1858ShipIndustry80 tons 1859Barque Mary Edson368 tons 1859SteamshipCambridge900 tons 1860BarqueRebecca Goddard475 tons 1860ShipMermaid500 tons 1860SteamerYoung Rover417 tons 1861ShipCutwater850 tons 1862ShipSomersetshire1035 tons 1862BarquePearl500 tons 1862SteamshipD. C. Molay1300 tons 1863ShipNesutan826 tons 1864SteamshipFall River932 tons 1865ShipHoratio Harris1100 tons 1866BrigNelly Hastings550 tons 1867BarqueJohn Worster600 tons 1868ShipSpringfield1000 tons 1869ShipCashmere900 tons Built by Joshua T. Foster:— 1855ShipPleiades600 tons 1855ShipLuecothea950 tons 1856ShipAddie Snow1000 tons 1856ShipHesperus1020 tons 1858ShipTemplar800 tons 1859ShipMogule800 tons 1860ShipMatilda875 tons 1860ShipPunjaub760 tons 1860BarqueMogul500 tons 1861ShipQuisnell1012 tons 1862ShipAgra875 tons 1862ShipTangore916 tons 1863ShipNepaul935 tons 1863ShipCosamundal600 tons 1863ShipEastern Belle1030 tons 186