Browsing named entities in A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864.. You can also browse the collection for Horatio G. Wright or search for Horatio G. Wright in all documents.

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After a march unsurpassed in military annals, our three divisions arrived at just the instant when the Confederates, spurred by success, were penetrating our lines to the right of Round Top. In three parallel lines then advanced our infantry. Gen. Wright, then commanding our First Division, he who was, during the Shenandoah campaign, and thence to the close of the war, the able and honored chief of the corps, says: The volley from our front line was perhaps the heaviest I ever heard; and it haDid it do but little fighting on that day? It did all that was necessary for it to do. Roster. Sixth Army Corps. Engaged at Gettysburg, July 2 and 3, 1863. Sixth Corps.—Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick, Commanding. First Division. Brig. Gen. Horatio G. Wright, Commanding. First Brigade.—Brig. Gen. A. T. A. Torbert, Commanding. 1st New Jersey, Lieut. Col. Wm. Henry, Jr.; 2d New Jersey, Col. Samuel L. Buck; 3d New Jersey, Col. Henry W. Brown; 15th New Jersey, Col. Wm. H. Penrose. Secon
tures. The Army of the Potomac had made its last retreat when it finally crossed these rivers. The Confederate army, retiring behind the Rappahannock in our front, left a detachment of Hoke's brigade in an earthwork on the north side on the plain, which could be approached on the run from the rising ground to the northwest by an attacking force. These brave men were to dispute the Federal crossing at this point just above Rappahannock Station,—a forlorn hope, indeed. Russell's brigade of Wright's division of the Sixth Corps carried the earthworks, Saturday, November 7. The stubborn resistance of that devoted band was sublime in its hopelessness; they would not surrender. Sunday morning, those who did not escape lay in mathematically straight rows with their feet to the north; now a bayonet thrust in one's breast, or a fracture of the skull as from a clubbed musket. The countenances of these dead were stamped with an expression of grim resolution, which was unmistakably the sea
guns of the right section of the First Massachusetts Battery. His body was borne from the field in an ambulance. Soon after, Gen. Meade was seen to approach Gen. Wright, commander of our First Division, having a paper in his hand, which doubtless contained instructions to the corps commander, for Gen. Wright succeeded Gen. SedgGen. Wright succeeded Gen. Sedgwick. There was rapid firing from this part of our line, and continuous reply through the major part of the day. The position of the artillery remained unchanged. The brigade commanded by Gen. Upton, of the Sixth Corps, consisting among others of the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York Volunteers, drove in a large detachment corps (Sixth and Eighteenth) moved forward to take the position gained and held by the cavalry, which they now relieved. At five o'clock, both corps, under Gens. Wright and Smith, opened fire with all their infantry and artillery in an attack upon Lee. Such was the vim of this onset, that they succeeded in carrying a large pa
o the chief of staff at Washington, said, Maj. Gen. Wright should get out of the trenches with all t of Maryland in confusion. I hope and believe Wright is the man to assure that. It was in theaid, to Lynchburg. He received orders from Gen. Wright to join the latter at Leesburg, for Wright Wright had been given, supreme command of all troops moving out against the enemy, regardless of the rank o of the 15th. On the evening of this day, Gen. Wright received Gen. Halleck's orders to continue p in the Blue Ridge. It would seem that if Gen. Wright had been unhampered by conflicting and doub the Confederate squadrons. On the 18th, Gen. Wright instructed Gen. Crook to move through Snick from the Blue Ridge was in accordance with Gen. Wright's construction of the orders given by the centrate all the forces, consisting thus far of Wright's Sixth, Emory's Nineteenth, and Crook's Eight that only pickets occupied Hupp's Hill; so Gen. Wright was ordered to move his skirmishers into St[4 more...]
llowing the road. Two miles from the crossing, which is near the mouth of Abraham's Creek, we passed the Nineteenth Corps; the head of its column was halted by Gen. Wright, to whom its commander had been ordered to report. The Sixth Corps, reaching the earthwork across the creek, which Wilson's cavalry had captured and occupied e the men very much exhausted, and many of them without shoes. In his report, the Federal commander spoke in the highest terms of his lieutenants, Generals Crook, Wright, and Emory. On receipt of the news of this victory, Gen. Grant ordered a salute of 100 guns, in the Army of the Potomac. Roster. Sixth Army Corps. September 19 and 22, 1864. Maj. Gen. Horatio G. Wright, Commanding. First Division. Brig. Gen. David A. Russell. First Brigade.—Col. Wm. H. Penrose, 4th, 10th, and 15th New Jersey Volunteers. Second Brigade.—Brig. Gen. Emory A. Upton, 2d Connecticut Heavy Artillery, 65th, 67th, and 121st New York Infantry, and 95th and 96th Pe
der Gen. Early, its left flank turned and driven in confusion, the remainder of the army retiring, yet in good order. Gen. Wright, in command at the time, after having succeeded in restoring something like order among the surprised troops, seeing t one, ordered a general retreat to enable him to restore communications. The retreat was conducted in good order, and Gen. Wright had halted and restored his lines, when, at 10 A. M., Gen. Sheridan, who had heard of the disaster at Winchester, arrived on the field. He was informed by Gen. Wright of the dispositions made by him, of which he approved. The pursuit by the Confederate army had ceased, the men being occupied in plundering the camps of the Eighth and Nineteenth Corps. Gen. Sheriday's attack was made under cover of a dense fog, and the darkness of early morning. The troops were driven four miles. Gen. Wright, the Union commander, though wounded, still remained on the field, and managed to get his troops in a new position in
6, 94 Sutlers. .. 135 Sumner, Gen. E. V. . 27, 35, 39, 78, 89 Tenallytown .. 72, 166 Third Corps .. 122, 138, 143 Thoroughfare Gap .. 70, 87 Three Top Mountain .. 170, 177 Thoburn, Col. . 165, 176 Tompkins, Col. Chas. H. . 129, 175 Tumbling Run .. 178 Turner's Gap .. 78 Torbert, Gen. A. T. 45, 108, 162,174, 179, 177. Up the Valley ..... 64, 189 Upton, Gen. E. A. . 138, 152, 175, 177 Valley Road ........ 177 Warren, Gen. G. K. 127, 128, 144, 145, 151, 152, 153. Washington ...... 21, 72, 162 Westminster ......... 120 Westover ........ 63 West Point ........ 36 West Virginia ........ 131 White House ........38, 53 White Oak Church .... 93, 98, 99 White Oak Swamp .. 55, 56, 57 White Oak Creek ....... 56 White Plains ........ 86 Williamsburg ........ 67 Williamsport ........ 84 Wilson, Gen. ..... 159, 169, 170 Wright, Gen. H. G. 127, 128, 152, 162, 164, 166, 188, 189. Yorktown ......... 33,6 York River ...... 33, 35, 60