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Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 20 8 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 8 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 14, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 1 1 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in Arkansas, April 20, 1864. (search)
-Gen. J. F. Fagan. Cabell's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. L. Cabell: 1st Ark., Col. J. C. Monroe; 2d Ark., Col. T. J. Morgan; 4th Ark., Col. A. Gordon; 7th Ark., Col. John F. Hill; Ark. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. T. M. Gunter; Blocher's Battery,----. Dockery's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. T. P. Dockery: 18th Ark.,----; 19th Ark., Lieut.-Col. H. G. P. William; 20th Ark.,----; Ark. Battalion,----. Crawford's Brigade, Col. W. A. Crawford: 2d Ark., Capt. O. B. Tebbs; Crawford's Reg't,----; Wright's Reg't, Col. John C. Wright; Poe's Battalion, Maj. J. T. Poe; Ark. Battalion, Maj. E . L. McMurtrey. Artillery: Ark. Battery, Capt. W. M. Hughey. Marmaduke's cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. John S. Marmaduke. Greene's Brigade, Col. Colton Greene: 3d Mo., Lieut.-Col. L. A. Campbell; 4th Mo., Lieut.-Col. W. J. Preston; 7th Mo.,----; 8th Mo., Col. W. L. Jeffers; 10th Mo., Col. R. R. Leather; Mo. Battery, Capt.----Harris. Shelby's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph O. Shelby: 1st Mo., Battalion, Maj. Benjamin Elliott; 5
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
-William O. Butler, James B. Clay, Joshua F. Bell, Charles S. Morehead, James Guthrie, Charles A. Wickliffe. Missouri.--John D. Coalter, Alexander W. Doniphan, Waldo P. Johnson, Aylett H. Buckner, Harrison Hough. Ohio.--Salmon P. Chase, John C. Wright, William S. Groesbeck, Franklin T. Backus, Reuben Hitchcock, Thomas Ewing, V. B. Horton, C. P. Wolcott. Indiana.--Caleb B. Smith, Pleasant A. Hackleman, Godlove S. Orth, E. W. H. Ellis, Thomas C. Slaughter Illinois.--John Wood, Stephen T.ident, for the dignified and impartial manner in which he had presided over their deliberations, the delegates listened to a brief farewell address from Mr. Tyler, and then adjourned. During the session, a delegate from Ohio, the venerable John C. Wright, then seventy-seven years of age, and nearly blind, died quite suddenly. His death occurred on the 13th, when his son, who had been, appointed Secretary to the Convention, returned to Ohio with the remains of his father, and J. H. Puleston s
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
signal. The trunnions of the Dahlgren guns resisted the hammers, but those of a large number of the old pattern guns were destroyed. Many of the remainder were spiked, but so indifferently that they were soon repaired. Commander Rogers and Captain Wright, of the Engineers, volunteered to blow up and destroy the Dry-dock. At about two o'clock in the morning, April 21, 1861. every thing was in readiness. The troops, marines, sailors, and others at the yard, were taken on board the Pawnee a boats in safety, followed by the light of the great fire, and overtook the Pawnee off Craney Island, where the two vessels broke through the obstructions and proceeded to Hampton Roads. The two officers left behind were Commander Rogers and Captain Wright, who failed to reach the boats. They were arrested after day-dawn and were taken to Norfolk as prisoners of war. The great object of the conflagration was not fully accomplished. The attempt was, in fact, a failure. The Dry-dock was ver
Dillard and others, and put in the service three full regiments of infantry and one of cavalry. Col. H. L. Grinsted raised two regiments of infantry; Cols. D. McRae, J. C. Pleasants, A. J. McNeill and C. H. Matlock each raised a regiment. In raising Arkansas troops, and afterward in their organization, important services were rendered by the following, among other officers: Cols. J. F. Fagan, Shaler, Shaver, Morgan, Glenn and Johnson; Lieutenant-Colonels Geoghegan, Magenis, Polk, McMillan, Wright, Hart, Young and Crawford; Majors Bell, Gause, Cocke, Baber, Yell, Hicks, Chrisman and Crenshaw, and Captains Johnson, Ringo, Martin, Home, Blackmer and Biscoe. In Arkansas there were raised and organized, under my orders, thirteen regiments and one battalion of infantry, two regiments and one battalion of cavalry, and four batteries—all war troops—besides upward of 5,000 irregulars of the independent companies, and not including the Arkansas troops drawn from the Indian country. [This i
battalion sharpshooters; Eighteenth Arkansas; Nineteenth Arkansas (Dockery's), Lieut.-Col. H. G. P. Williams; Twentieth Arkansas. Crawford's brigade, Col. Wm. A. Crawford—Third Arkansas (Slemons), Capt. O. B. Tebbs; Crawford's Arkansas regiment; Wright's Arkansas regiment, Col. John C. Wright; Arkansas battalion, Maj. Jas. T. Poe; Arkansas battalion, Maj. E. L. McMurtrey; Arkansas battery, Capt. W. M. Hughey. Marmaduke's cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. John S. Marmaduke: Greene's brigade—Third Col. John C. Wright; Arkansas battalion, Maj. Jas. T. Poe; Arkansas battalion, Maj. E. L. McMurtrey; Arkansas battery, Capt. W. M. Hughey. Marmaduke's cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. John S. Marmaduke: Greene's brigade—Third Missouri, Lieut.-Col. L. A. Campbell; Fourth Missouri, Lieut.-Col. Wm. J. Preston; Seventh Missouri, Col. Sol. G. Kitchen; Eighth Missouri, Col. Wm. L. Jeffers; Tenth Missouri, Col. Robert R. Lawther; Missouri battery, Capt. S. S. Harris. Shelby's brigade, Brig.-Gen. Jos. O. Shelby—First Missouri battalion, Maj. Benj. Elliott; Fifth Missouri, Col. B. Frank Gordon; Eleventh Missouri, Col. M. W. Smith; Twelfth Missouri, Col. David Shanks; Hunter's Missouri regiment, Col. D. C. Hunter; Missouri
lba. He formed Crawford's brigade, commanded by the gallant Col. John C. Wright, to the right of the main road in advance; then Shanks' and , and to Brigadier-General Dockery, and Colonels Monroe, Shanks and Wright, commanding brigades, I take pleasure in according the highest prai, for all did their duty well and nobly; but I will say that Col. John C. Wright [Arkansas brigade] and his officers and men fought well and l. William A. Crawford; Carlton's cavalry, Col. Charles H. Carlton; Wright's cavalry, Col. John C. Wright. Dobbin's Arkansas brigade, Col. Col. John C. Wright. Dobbin's Arkansas brigade, Col. Archibald S. Dobbin —Dobbin's cavalry, Col. Archibald S. Dobbin; McGhee's cavalry, Col. Jas. McGhee; Witt's cavalry, Col. A. R. Witt; Blocherlisha L. McMurtrey; Stirman's battalion, Lieut.-Col. Ras. Stirman; Wright's cavalry, Col. John C. Wright (transferred to Cabell's brigade). Col. John C. Wright (transferred to Cabell's brigade). Cooper's Indian cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. Douglas H. Cooper commanding, included: First Indian cavalry brigade, Brig.-Gen. Stand Watie—F
addition Confederate. It was organized at Camden, Ark., in 1861, with the following officers: Col. James Gee, Lieut.-Col. John C. Wright, Maj. P. Lynch Lee, Benjamin W. Johnson, adjutant; Company A, Captain Proctor; Company B, Capt. H. Purefoy; Company C, Capt. John C. Wright (elected lieutenant-colonel in the reorganization; L. W. Matthews was elected captain of Company C); Company D, Capt. Frank Jordan; Company E, Captain Ferguson; Company F, Capt Alex. Byrne. Four of the companies were take made prisoners by the unconditional surrender. The men were sent to Camp Butler, the officers to Fort Warren. Lieut.-Col. John C. Wright made his escape, and returning to Arkansas, was elected colonel of cavalry in the service under General Hindmanchill, Rust, Dockery, Cabell, McNair, Beall; Colonels Fagan, Tappan, Hawthorn, Shaver, Crockett, Marmaduke, Provence, John C. Wright, Slemons, B. W. Johnson, Gaither. Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, after being relieved of the command of the district of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Prison Pastimes. (search)
irst Vice President—T. A. Boyle, Adjutant Thirty-second North Carolina, Division 25. Second Vice-President—J. T. Kincannon, Captain Twenty-third Virginia, Division 33. Third Vice-President—T. W. Harris, Captain Twelfth Georgia, Division 34. Recording Secretary—John Law, Adjutant Thirty-eighth Georgia, Division 22. Corresponding Secretary—J. F. Fuller, Adjutant Thirty-first Tennessee, Division 30. Treasurer—G. F. Lyle, Lieutenant Virginia Artillery, Division 22. Librarian—J. C. Wright, Lieutenant Twelfth Tennessee, Division 31. Chaplain—Alexander M. Sanford, Captain Fourteenth Texas, Division 29. Chairmen of standing committees. On State of the Church—W. J. Clark, Colonel Twenty-fourth North Carolina, Division 28. Introduction—J. E. Roberts, Captain Fourth Virginia, Division 22. Education—T. W. Hooper, Colonel Twenty-first Georgia, Division 22. Finance—J. L. Cantwell, Captain Third North Carolina, Division 35. Religious Reading—J
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The First North Carolina Volunteers and the battle of Bethel. (search)
great gallantry. Wyatt was killed and the other three were recalled. Sergeant Thomas J. Stewart and Private William McDowell, Company A, reconnoitered the position of the enemy, and went far in advance of our troops. Private J. W. Potts, of Company B, is specially mentioned by his company commander; so are Sergeant William Elmo, Company C; Sergeants C. L. Watts, W. H. McDade, Company D; Sergeant J. M. Young, Corporal John Dingler, Privates G. H. A. Adams, R. V. Gudger, G. W. Werley, John C. Wright, T. Y. Little, J. F. Jenkins, Company E; R. W. Stedman, M. E. Dye, H. E. Benton, J. B. Smith, Company F; G. W. Buhmann, James C. McRae, Company H. Casualties.—Private Henry L. Wyatt, Company A, mortally wounded; Lieutenant J. W. Ratchford, contusion; Private Council Rodgers, Company H, severely wounded; Private Charles Williams, Company H, severely wounded; Private S. Patterson, Company D, slightly wounded; Private William White, Company K, wounded; Private Peter Poteat, Company G, sl
from time to time to guard against a Guy Fawke's plot. The United States artillery were ready to-day at a moments warning, but the Electoral votes being counted peacefully, were not wanted. Gov. Hicks was before the special (conspiracy) committee to-day. He said, that from private letters and newspaper articles, he thought there would be a disturbance at the inauguration, and attempted seizure of public buildings. He, however, has no such fears now as he had in January. John C. Wright, of Cincinnati, attending the Peace Conference, died in this city to-day of pneumonia. The Secretary of the Treasury has advertised for a loan of $8,000,000, under a recent act of Congress. The Chief Engineer of the Ordnance Department has modified his former estimates in regard to the fortifications, excluding all appropriations South of the Chesapeake, except Forts Calhoun, in Virginia, and Jefferson and Taylor in Florida. The War Department speaks of the importance of the t
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