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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General B. H. Anderson's report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
l, commanding the Third Army corps, my command, composed of Wilcox's, Mahone's, Wright's, Perry's and Posey's brigades, and Lane's battalion of artillery, moved on thes in the following order: Wilcox's, Perry's (commanded by Colonel David Lang), Wright's, Posey's and Mahone's. The enemy's line was plainly in view, about twelve ell back in the same succession in which they had advanced — Wilcox's, Perry's, Wright's and Posey's. They regained their position in the line of battle. The enemy dn to the front, and the troops lay upon their arms. In Wilcox's, Perry's and Wright's brigades the loss was very heavy. On the third of July nothing of consequelumn, and at what I supposed to be the proper time, I was about to move forward Wright's and Posey's brigades, when General Longstreet directed me to stop the movemene night at Front Royal. On the twenty-third the division marched at daylight — Wright's brigade, under command of Colonel Walker, being detached to relieve a brigade
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Chancellorsville--report of General R. E. Lee. (search)
f the twenty-ninth General Anderson was directed to proceed towards Chancellorsville and dispose Wright's brigade and the troops from the Bark Mill ford to cover these roads. Arriving at Chancellorsve's brigade, offered no further opposition to his march. Mahone was placed on the old turnpike, Wright and Posey on the plank road. In the mean time General Stuart had been directed to endeavor to i the troops moved forward upon the plank and old turnpike roads — Anderson, with the brigades of Wright and Posey, leading on the former; McLaws, with his three brigades, preceded by Mahone's, on the rward. A strong attack upon General McLaws was repulsed with spirit by Semmes' brigade; and General Wright, by direction of General Anderson, diverging to the left of the plank road, marched by way opurpsse. General Posey became warmly engaged with a superior force, but being reinforced by General Wright, the enemy's advance was arrested. After a long and fatiguing march, General Jackson's lead
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General J. E. B. Stuart of cavalry operations on First Maryland campaign, from August 30th to September 18th, 1862. (search)
probably by the route of Crampton's gap. On his way to the gap, Brigadier-General Hampton encountered a regiment of the enemy's cavalry, on a road parallel to the one which he was pursuing, and, taking the Cobb Legion, Lieutenant-Colonel Young, at once charged them, dispersing them, killing or wounding thirty, and taking five prisoners. Our loss was four killed and nine wounded; among the former Lieutenant Marshall and Sergeant Barksdale, and among the latter Lieutenant-Colonel Young and Captain Wright, all of whom acted with remarkable gallantry. General Hampton then drew near the gap, when Colonel Munford, mistaking his command for a portion of the enemy's cavalry, ordered his artillery to open upon him. This order was on the point of being executed, when Hampton, becoming aware of his danger, exhibited a white flag, and thus averted this serious misfortune. Hampton's brigade remained at the gap for the night. Next morning upon my arrival, finding that the enemy had made no de