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s Longstreet and Hill preceded Gen. Ewell, and passing through Chester's Gap, in the Blue Ridge, Wright's brigade, of Anderson's division, was detached by Gen. Hill, and left to guard the pass until Gountains. Thursday morning they advanced to Manassas Gap, proceeded by cavalry, who attacked Gen. Wright's brigade, which advanced to meet them, and after considerable skirmishing drove them back upof Ewell's corps, changed the fortune of the day and put a speedy end to the conflict. Although Wright's brigade, even falling back, had thus far succeeded in thwarting the enemy's purpose, it is dif to the conflict, the Yankees withdrew from the field. Gens. Rodes and Johnston, accompanied by Wright's brigade, then marched beyond Front Royal, encamped for the night, and next morning proceeded oley. I have been unable to procure a list of killed and wounded, which loss fell chiefly on Wright's brigade, readily accounted for by the vastly superior odds against which they had to contend b
s temporary, though purchased at a fearful cost. The want of proper support, the movement of the enemy upon his exposed and bleeding flanks, and the terrible cross and obliques fires concentrated upon him from batteries not otherwise occupied, made it necessary for him to retrace his steps across the open ground over which he had advanced, his ranks torn and bleeding, and still suffering from the iron hail of shell, grape, canister, and shrapnel, that swept over the field. McLaws and Hood, Wright and Wilcox, Johnson and Early, had performed similar feats the day before, followed by similar results. The repeated assaults made by Confederates, therefore, though made with the greatest valor, and successful up to a certain point, failed to dislodge the enemy from his strong position. It is but simple justice to add that in no single instance that now occurs to me did our troops retire except under orders; nor did the enemy ever make the least attempt at pursuit. They advanced and w