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, whom we may callas he would say for euphony --Will Wyatt; the most perfect specimen of the genus man-about-toe omniscient Styles were fast friends, and a card to Wyatt, signed Fondly thine own, S. S., had done the busine all nobby now--À diner! The dinner and music at Wyatt's were not warlike-and particularly was the wine notheard of F, of course. We hang by the old company. Wyatt has just refused a captaincy of engineers to stick aer service? Peut-être for the present, responded Wyatt-Don't misunderstand us; we're not riding at windmilletermined to enforce obedience. God forbid! and Wyatt spoke more solemnly than I ever heard him before. Bt here after the war, and drink to the New Nation in Wyatt's sherry! said Lieutenant Y. It's better than the w Not a pleasant summer jaunt we're to have, old man, Wyatt said when he bade me good-bye. I've been to that coe glass that Nature hourly holds up to his view. Wyatt was right when he said there was nothing doing socia
ck for a short holiday; almost every one bringing his laurels and his commission. My friend, Wyatt, had kept his laughing promise, and showed me a captain's bars. General Breckinridge had found old man! was his comment--Virtue must be rewarded-merit, like water, will find its level. Captain Wyatt, A. A. G.-demnition neat, eh? Now, I'll be here a month, and we must do something in the s used — up man, like you — not Paris nor yet Washington, but they'll show you our people. And Wyatt was right. The people of Richmond had at first held up their hands in holy horror at the mere mGradually these influences worked — the younger and gayer people indulged in the danceable teas, Wyatt spoke of, after their sewingcircles. Imperceptibly the sewing was left for other times; and by ial welcome and most whole-souled hospitality. Stupid party last night-too full, criticised Wyatt, as he lounged in my room one morning. You seemed bored, old man, though I saw you with Nell H.<
nswer, egad, sir! 'twill go up like a rocket! Up, sir! egad! clean out of sight! I candidly answered that I could not see the end of the inflation. I do, Styles growled-Repudiation! Well, that's no end of a nobby thing! cried Will Wyatt, who was always bored about anything more serious than the last book, or charging a battery. Cheerful that, for a fellow's little pile to go up like a rocket, and he not even to get the stick. He can have the smoke, however, answered Styles md under the pinched and pallid features of starvation, tottered to me one day to beg work. It is life or death for me and four young children, she said. We have eaten nothing to-day; and all last week we lived on three pints of rice! Will Wyatt, who was near, made a generous offer of relief. Tears sprang into the woman's eyes as she answered, You mean kindness, major; but I have never asked charity yet. My husband is at the front; and I only ask a right — to be allowed to work for my c
s single — that comprised the best intellects and prettiest accomplishments of the Capital. Many of the ladies were Will Wyatt's easy goers; ever tolerant, genial and genuine at the symposia of the Mosaics, as they showed behind their chevaux-de-frgood fortune happened to provide better material for the delighting muffin-match, or the entrancing waffle-worry, as Will Wyatt described those festal procedures — the intimates who chanced in town were bidden; or, hearing of it, came to the feast oe, even while he bore both heroically in the flesh; his two hundred and sixty pounds of it! Once, Styles Staple and Will Wyatt met him, inspecting troops in a West Virginia town; and they received a long lecture, à la Brillat Savarin, on enormities I have seen those things, but I never knew how they were done! I shall dream of this, egad! for weeks. Fact, sir, Wyatt added, and I've a theory that no nation deserves its liberties that stews its steaks. Can't gain them, sir! How can men