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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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gallantry displayed by them on that memorable occasion. Mr. Clark said no one could feel joy for the victory more keenly or sadness more deeply than himself for the death of Gen. Johnston; but he must think, in the absence of further information, the resolutions were premature. Mr. Henry, of Tennessee, (interrupting), stated that he had just learned from a gentleman of the House that Mr. Bruce, of Kentucky, had received a dispatch dated the 7th, which emphatically denied the death of Gen. Johnston, but stated that he was badly wounded. Mr. Clark, resuming, urged the fact as an additional reason for delay. He moved that the resolution be laid over for the present.--Agreed to. Mr. Yanoby, moved a reconsideration of the vote. A message was announced from the President (See another column) On motion of Mr. Yancry, the message was ordered to be printed, the resolutions above were reconsidered and adopted unanimously, and the Senate went into secret session.