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Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities | 23 | 1 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities. You can also browse the collection for Specks Yanks or search for Specks Yanks in all documents.
Your search returned 12 results in 7 document sections:
Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities, Chapter 7 : wrecked. (search)
Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities, Chapter 8 : plans of escape. (search)
Chapter 8: plans of escape.
Taken back to the pen.
plans of escape.
poor drummer boy.
our plan
Rebels and Yanks worked together till the wounded were all out of the wreck, which was probably about midnight.
We did not get all the dead out till daylight next morning.
A construction train came down next morning, unloaded its gang of men, took up the wounded, and returned to Andersonville.
It returned about noon, and after getting the debris out of the way, and getting all the cars that could be run on the track, they took us back to the pen.
One of the smashed cars was covered with a tin roof, of which I secured a piece about 20x24 inches, and after getting into prison, I made me a nice pan, by turning up about four inches all around.
It proved to be a very valuable piece of property after we began to draw our rations.
When the train came back after taking the wounded, they brought the bloodhounds and took a circuit around the wr
Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities, Chapter 11 : bloodhounds. (search)
Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities, Chapter 13 : Jailed. (search)
Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities, Chapter 14 : camp Lawton . (search)
Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities, Chapter 19 : Andersonville in winter. (search)
Sergeant Oats, Prison Life in Dixie: giving a short history of the inhuman and barbarous treatment of our soldiers by rebel authorities, Chapter 21 : our last prison. (search)